闲丸 头号老实人 VIP 注册 2005-12-12 消息 5,465 荣誉分数 472 声望点数 243 2008-03-30 #1 听人说,拿年薪的人和拿小时薪的人算法不同。我在Canada HR网站上没找到具体算法。这里有前辈知道么?谢谢!
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,828 荣誉分数 37,607 声望点数 1,393 2008-03-30 #2 闲丸 说: 听人说,拿年薪的人和拿小时薪的人算法不同。我在Canada HR网站上没找到具体算法。这里有前辈知道么?谢谢! 点击展开... 给不给,给多少,不用自己算。申请后,如果给,也就知道啦。
闲丸 头号老实人 VIP 注册 2005-12-12 消息 5,465 荣誉分数 472 声望点数 243 2008-03-30 #3 现在是在考虑什么时候开始休假合适。因为我LD是小时薪,工作时间不固定,有些月份松(收入少),有些月份紧(收入多),是不是要到紧的月份结束松的月份开始前开始休假,这样能保证多拿到一些EI呢?
J jagar 知名会员 注册 2002-08-08 消息 1,516 荣誉分数 63 声望点数 158 2008-04-01 #4 they will ask you the salery for the last few months or weeks before you stop work.
BobtheBuilder 知名会员 VIP 注册 2004-11-03 消息 940 荣誉分数 86 声望点数 138 2008-04-01 #5 jagar 说: they will ask you the salery for the last few months or weeks before you stop work. 点击展开... It's based on your income amount on the ROE (record of employment), there is a weekly max of $413 (might have changed), so you will be looking at 2k monthly max.
jagar 说: they will ask you the salery for the last few months or weeks before you stop work. 点击展开... It's based on your income amount on the ROE (record of employment), there is a weekly max of $413 (might have changed), so you will be looking at 2k monthly max.