第五届“加京华人杯”乒乓球单打比赛徵集报名-Registration finished
按前几届惯例,本次比赛分两阶段进行: 第一阶段,分组循环,由此产生的优胜者进入第二阶段;
第二阶段采取淘汰制, 决出冠军,亚军,季军,第四名。
所有希望参赛者,请於4月30日前,在各报名点(如中文学校,中华乒乓球协会 (中华大厦)活动室),或通过电邮:ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com, 或电话向下列人士报名。通过电邮报名时,请留下姓名(中、英文),性别,
电话,email 地址 (有意参加老年和青少年组比赛的,请注明年龄)。
王永智(613-440-0618) ,肖庆涵 (613-271-9590) ,李世友(613-694-2459) ,曾毅(613-736-1303),刘树华 (613-738-8662), 汤海鹏(613-841-3174)
5th “Ottawa Chinese Cup” Table Tennis Tournament
18 May 2008, Ottawa Chinese Community Building
80 Florence Street (Conner of Kent, close to Bank and Gladstone)
Entry fee: $5.00
On-line Registration: ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com
You are cordially invited to join the 5th “Ottawa Chinese Cup” Table Tennis Tournament, organized by Ottawa Association of Chinese-Canadian University Alumni. The tournament consists of single-player competitions only, regardless of gender. The competition has two stages: round robin and single elimination. The Organizing Committee decides the placement of seed players based on knowledge of their past performances. The non-seed players are grouped with draws. The winner will be awarded with a Trophy and having the name being engraved on the permanent Trophy of the Cup. Medals will be presented to the runner-up, the third and the fourth places.
Special games might be arranged for seniors (60 years old and above), ladies and youths (18 and under), depending on the numbers of interested players in the respective groups.
Interested players should register online with your name, telephone number and email address. Please indicate if you are interested in special group events. The deadline for registration is April 30, 2008. For more information please send an email to ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com or call Mr. Wang at 613-440-0618 or 995-3094.
The Event Organizing Committee