kurtcoben 新手上路 注册 2007-03-01 消息 107 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 0 2008-04-19 #1 昨天听CBC新闻说含有BPA成份的塑料奶瓶有毒,今天去TOY'S US 看到大部分塑料奶瓶已经撤柜了,只剩下Dorct Brown 的玻璃奶瓶跟Born Free 的玻璃奶瓶和它家的不含BPA的塑料奶瓶. 我以前用Dr. Brown,发现跟Born Free 的玻璃瓶型号一样,所以直接买了几个Bron Free的玻璃瓶,其它奶嘴什么的还用Dr.Brown的.
昨天听CBC新闻说含有BPA成份的塑料奶瓶有毒,今天去TOY'S US 看到大部分塑料奶瓶已经撤柜了,只剩下Dorct Brown 的玻璃奶瓶跟Born Free 的玻璃奶瓶和它家的不含BPA的塑料奶瓶. 我以前用Dr. Brown,发现跟Born Free 的玻璃瓶型号一样,所以直接买了几个Bron Free的玻璃瓶,其它奶嘴什么的还用Dr.Brown的.
QBoy&Girl^_^ 掌门人 VIP 注册 2003-11-08 消息 7,586 荣誉分数 910 声望点数 243 所在地 http://www.smartparent.lovablelabels.ca 2008-04-19 #2 晕,是不是只能用玻璃奶瓶或者,用liner了?这下玻璃产品热销了。 不知道明天去还可不可以买到。
Jingle 本站元老 VIP 注册 2004-01-06 消息 11,126 荣誉分数 4,088 声望点数 373 2008-04-21 #5 QBoy&Girl^_^ 说: 晕,是不是只能用玻璃奶瓶或者,用liner了?这下玻璃产品热销了。 不知道明天去还可不可以买到。 点击展开... Liner is kind of plastic, is that right?
QBoy&Girl^_^ 说: 晕,是不是只能用玻璃奶瓶或者,用liner了?这下玻璃产品热销了。 不知道明天去还可不可以买到。 点击展开... Liner is kind of plastic, is that right?
Viroy 新手上路 注册 2005-01-23 消息 2,453 荣誉分数 18 声望点数 0 2008-04-21 #6 Bornfree的一种塑胶奶瓶也是不含BPA得,不过价钱就是比较贵,两个30多。
kurtcoben 新手上路 注册 2007-03-01 消息 107 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 0 2008-04-22 #7 canplastics.com - Canadian Plastics - 4/22/2008 still in 60 consult day
Obiwan 开坛元勋 VIP 注册 2002-05-09 消息 9,900 荣誉分数 166 声望点数 223 所在地 Ottawa 2008-04-22 #8 http://bbs.comefromchina.com/forum16/thread560410.html
小地主 Climb The Mountain VIP 注册 2003-01-07 消息 9,605 荣誉分数 3,463 声望点数 373 2008-04-22 #9 I read in QQBB that there are recall programs for AVENT baby bottles in vancouver, do we know if Ottawa has similar programs? Thanks!
I read in QQBB that there are recall programs for AVENT baby bottles in vancouver, do we know if Ottawa has similar programs? Thanks!
小地主 Climb The Mountain VIP 注册 2003-01-07 消息 9,605 荣誉分数 3,463 声望点数 373 2008-04-22 #10 Jingle 说: Liner is kind of plastic, is that right? 点击展开... there is no BPA in liner.. BPA only exists in hard transparent plastic products, IMHO.
Jingle 说: Liner is kind of plastic, is that right? 点击展开... there is no BPA in liner.. BPA only exists in hard transparent plastic products, IMHO.
DaWawa 新手上路 注册 2008-02-03 消息 232 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 28 2008-04-22 #11 BPA Free Bottle Products Adiri Natural Nursers Avent “Via” disposable bottles BornFree: All bottles and cups BPA free *see note EvenFlo: Glass bottles, Classic Tinted Polypropylene bottles Playtex: Original Nurser,Opaque Soft Bottle (discontinued), Playtex Drop in liners Gerber: GerberClearview, Fashion Tints (also called “Plastic Pastels”), Gerber GentleFlow Medela: All bottles Sassy MAM bottles (UltiVent), Baby Food Nurser Kit Green to Grow Bottles **see note Sassy Baby Food Nurser Kit ThinkBaby Bottles Momo Glass Bottles Munchkin: Dora the Explorer Classic Bottles Nuby: Standard Neck Non-Drip Bottle, Wide-Neck Non-Drip Bottle, Wide-Neck Bottle with Handles and Non-Drip Nipple, Standard Neck Bottle with Handles and Non-Drip Nipple, 3-Stage Wide Neck Easy Grip Feeding System with Non-Drip Nipple. Nuture Pure Glass bottles Babisil Silbottles Weego Glass Bottles Siliskin Glass Bottles Dr Brown’s: Glass Bottles (all vent system pieces BPA Free), Dr. Browns Polypropylene bottles (due in store’s April 15th) Parent’s Choice Bottles (available at Walmart) - box is marked BPA Free BPA Free Sippy Cups Avent Magic Cups, Super Sport Cups Playtex: Coolster Tumbler, Insulator, Einstein Training Cup, Sipster, Create My Own, Quick Straw, Insulator Sport, Sip and Discover, First Sipster Gerber: Sip & Smile Spill-proof Cup, Easy Grip Insulated Soft Straw Cup, Insulated Cool Cup, Fun Grips Color Change Spill-proof Cup, Grins & Giggles Spill-proof Cup (source) BornFree sippy/drinking cups Kleen Kanteen Thermos Foogo Sippy Cups, and drinking bottle with straw SIGG Toddler Water Bottles Kid Basix The Safe Sippy Boon Sippy GrowPure Multi-Stage Feeder and Sippy Cup iPlay Aqua Bottle ThinkBaby Training Cup Sassy Snack Time Infa-Trainer Cup Munchkin: Cupsicle, Cupsicle Straw Cup, Big Kid Sippy Cup, Mighty Grip Flip Straw Cup, Mighty Grip Trainer Cup, licensed character Sports Bottles, Re-usable Straw Cups, Re-usable Spill-proof Cups Nuby: No-Spill Sports Sipper, Insulated Soft Silicone Spout Cup, Soft Spout Easy Grip Cup, Gripper Cup with Soft Silicone Spout, 2-Handle Cup, Tinted Mega Sipper The First Years: Take & Toss, Spill-proof Cup, Insulated Cup, Licensed character sippy cups, Insulated Spill-proof Cup, 2 Handled Cups BPA Free Milk/Liquid Storage Avent Via 8-oz. Nurser Kit Avent Snack Cup / Formula Dispenser Mother’s Milkmate Storage bottles Medela Milk Storage bottles and breastpump accessories Playtex One-Step Breast Milk Storage Kit Lansinoh® Breastmilk Storage Bags Lansinoh® Breastmilk Storage Bottles Gerber Breastmilk Storage Bags Dr. Brown’s Breastmilk Storage Bags The First Years” Easy Pour Breastmilk Storage bags BPA Free Baby Food / Food Storage So Easy Fresh Baby Food Kit Baby Cubes baby food storage system Laptop Lunch System Munchkin: Snack Catcher, Baby Food Grinder, Fresh Food Feeder, Powdered Formula Dispensers
BPA Free Bottle Products Adiri Natural Nursers Avent “Via” disposable bottles BornFree: All bottles and cups BPA free *see note EvenFlo: Glass bottles, Classic Tinted Polypropylene bottles Playtex: Original Nurser,Opaque Soft Bottle (discontinued), Playtex Drop in liners Gerber: GerberClearview, Fashion Tints (also called “Plastic Pastels”), Gerber GentleFlow Medela: All bottles Sassy MAM bottles (UltiVent), Baby Food Nurser Kit Green to Grow Bottles **see note Sassy Baby Food Nurser Kit ThinkBaby Bottles Momo Glass Bottles Munchkin: Dora the Explorer Classic Bottles Nuby: Standard Neck Non-Drip Bottle, Wide-Neck Non-Drip Bottle, Wide-Neck Bottle with Handles and Non-Drip Nipple, Standard Neck Bottle with Handles and Non-Drip Nipple, 3-Stage Wide Neck Easy Grip Feeding System with Non-Drip Nipple. Nuture Pure Glass bottles Babisil Silbottles Weego Glass Bottles Siliskin Glass Bottles Dr Brown’s: Glass Bottles (all vent system pieces BPA Free), Dr. Browns Polypropylene bottles (due in store’s April 15th) Parent’s Choice Bottles (available at Walmart) - box is marked BPA Free BPA Free Sippy Cups Avent Magic Cups, Super Sport Cups Playtex: Coolster Tumbler, Insulator, Einstein Training Cup, Sipster, Create My Own, Quick Straw, Insulator Sport, Sip and Discover, First Sipster Gerber: Sip & Smile Spill-proof Cup, Easy Grip Insulated Soft Straw Cup, Insulated Cool Cup, Fun Grips Color Change Spill-proof Cup, Grins & Giggles Spill-proof Cup (source) BornFree sippy/drinking cups Kleen Kanteen Thermos Foogo Sippy Cups, and drinking bottle with straw SIGG Toddler Water Bottles Kid Basix The Safe Sippy Boon Sippy GrowPure Multi-Stage Feeder and Sippy Cup iPlay Aqua Bottle ThinkBaby Training Cup Sassy Snack Time Infa-Trainer Cup Munchkin: Cupsicle, Cupsicle Straw Cup, Big Kid Sippy Cup, Mighty Grip Flip Straw Cup, Mighty Grip Trainer Cup, licensed character Sports Bottles, Re-usable Straw Cups, Re-usable Spill-proof Cups Nuby: No-Spill Sports Sipper, Insulated Soft Silicone Spout Cup, Soft Spout Easy Grip Cup, Gripper Cup with Soft Silicone Spout, 2-Handle Cup, Tinted Mega Sipper The First Years: Take & Toss, Spill-proof Cup, Insulated Cup, Licensed character sippy cups, Insulated Spill-proof Cup, 2 Handled Cups BPA Free Milk/Liquid Storage Avent Via 8-oz. Nurser Kit Avent Snack Cup / Formula Dispenser Mother’s Milkmate Storage bottles Medela Milk Storage bottles and breastpump accessories Playtex One-Step Breast Milk Storage Kit Lansinoh® Breastmilk Storage Bags Lansinoh® Breastmilk Storage Bottles Gerber Breastmilk Storage Bags Dr. Brown’s Breastmilk Storage Bags The First Years” Easy Pour Breastmilk Storage bags BPA Free Baby Food / Food Storage So Easy Fresh Baby Food Kit Baby Cubes baby food storage system Laptop Lunch System Munchkin: Snack Catcher, Baby Food Grinder, Fresh Food Feeder, Powdered Formula Dispensers
kurtcoben 新手上路 注册 2007-03-01 消息 107 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 0 2008-04-22 #12 PP: should be ok PC: most of them include the BPA (see number 7), most of Baby Bottle are made of PC
D dw1725 知名会员 注册 2004-02-05 消息 154 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 126 2008-04-23 #13 有没有妈妈们去退奶瓶呀?多伦多已经可以到商店去退奶瓶. 不知道ottawa怎样?