关于新的Post-Graduation Work Permit Program


To be eligible for the program, international students:
  • Must have studied full-time for the eight months preceding the completion of their program of studies and have graduated from:
    • a public post-secondary institution, such as a college, university or CEGEP (in Quebec); or
    • a private post-secondary institution that operates under the same rules and regulations as public institutions, and that receives at least 50 percent of its financing for its overall operations from government grants (currently, only private college-level educational institutions in Quebec qualify); or
    • a Canadian private institution authorized by provincial or territorial statute to confer degrees.
  • Must apply for a work permit within 90 days of receiving written confirmation (for example, a transcript or an official letter) from the institution that they have met the requirements of the academic program.
  • Must have completed and passed the program of study and received a notification that they are eligible to obtain their degree, diploma or certificate.
  • Must have a valid study permit when they apply for the work permit.
想要问的是“Must have studied full-time for the eight months preceding the completion of their program of studies and have graduated from”其中的eight months preceding the completion of their program是指离毕业前的8个月要是full time还是指只要毕业前有8个月是full time?另外如果暑期不注册又怎么算呢?
“Must have studied full-time for the eight months preceding the completion of their program of studies and have graduated from” 其中的eight months preceding the completion of their program是指离毕业前的8个月要是full time还是指只要毕业前有8个月是full time?另外如果暑期不注册又怎么算呢?


从字面上看, 你的第一种理解是对的, 应该是紧邻毕业前那八个月必须是Full Time的。 八个月是最低限, 上得比这少的就不享受这种工签待遇了。

另外我理解这个工签时间跟你以前Full Time上学时间是一对一的, 最多到3年。 如果你上了一个三年大专, 最合算, 毕业可以拿三年工签。 如果你上过四年学, 那对不起也只能拿三年工签。 如果你上过两年, 那么最多只能拿两年工签。
对不起我也请问一下,因为我暑假还要再修一个学分的课程才算毕业,一个学分应该不能算是full time,这样难道我就不能申请这个post grad 工签了么?
对不起我也请问一下,因为我暑假还要再修一个学分的课程才算毕业,一个学分应该不能算是full time,这样难道我就不能申请这个post grad 工签了么?

毕业前那八个月必须是Full Time.

我以为,想拿那个工作许可,只好多选两门课,成为Full Time了。
我哭。。。没道理啊,难道我在加拿大已经学了4年full time,只因为最后这个summer修了part time就不能申请post grad work permit吧。。。没钱了修不起再多两门了。。。555
字面上理解也可以是在完成学业前曾经注册过8个月full time 课程吧。 不知道有没有人问过CIC的官方解释呢?刚看了一下cic网站上pgwp的申请网页,好像还是写着旧的申请要求(如需要job offer), 而且也同样要求Must have studied full-time for the eight months preceding the completion of their program of studies。
恩,如果这样解释还合理些。希望是吧。都不知道该去哪里问。那个cic网页的电话号码是media only的。
有人再问了CIC 的AGENT了,说材料和以前声请的一样,就是不要JOB OFFER了。
我哭。。。没道理啊,难道我在加拿大已经学了4年full time,只因为最后这个summer修了part time就不能申请post grad work permit吧。。。没钱了修不起再多两门了。。。555

想问一下, 是不是PGWP如果给到三年,那同样的你的签证也会给三年? 这两样东西时效性应该是一样的吧!
想问一下, 是不是PGWP如果给到三年,那同样的你的签证也会给三年? 这两样东西时效性应该是一样的吧!

PGWP is your legal status in Canada while a visa is required to re-enter into Canada if you are on a trip outside of Canada.
我知道啊,所以我就是在问如果PGWP给了我三年, 那我申请visa会不会有可能也给我三年!
我知道啊,所以我就是在问如果PGWP给了我三年, 那我申请visa会不会有可能也给我三年!

我担心的不是签证是否给三年, 我担心CIC 会不会直接给三年, 还是象现在这样, 一年一年的续. 按说不要Job Offer的话, 可以一下给三年, 但是CIC经常不那么给, (比如接受你上学四年, 但他们只给你一年学签.) 如果一年一年的续, 那第二年去续的时候必须提供工作证明.

如果给三年, 可以梦想一下三年多次往返签证. 否则又得年年办小签.
咦? 可是现在入境签不是只有两种吗?
一年内一次入境和一年内多次入境。 以前记得可以一次签好几年,现在是不是最多一年?