F fishing go go 特等將軍 注册 2008-05-07 消息 1 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2008-05-07 #1 :flaming:http://www.todaydailynews.com/NewsHTML/a02.html http://www.singtao.ca/tor/2008-05-0...76d1008936.html http://www.mingpaotor.com/htm/News/20080507/tbd1.htm http://www.worldjournal.com/wj-to-n..._seq_id=1712734 三男子疑裝警察 騷擾亞裔釣友 看來今年的釣魚問題大了.同胞們快點行動起來.
:flaming:http://www.todaydailynews.com/NewsHTML/a02.html http://www.singtao.ca/tor/2008-05-0...76d1008936.html http://www.mingpaotor.com/htm/News/20080507/tbd1.htm http://www.worldjournal.com/wj-to-n..._seq_id=1712734 三男子疑裝警察 騷擾亞裔釣友 看來今年的釣魚問題大了.同胞們快點行動起來.
H happy smiles 知名会员 注册 2004-10-08 消息 979 荣誉分数 36 声望点数 138 2008-05-07 #5 算不算种族歧视? 一方面,我们要遵守规范,一方面,坚决斗争
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,691 荣誉分数 37,565 声望点数 1,393 2008-06-06 #6 遵守规范 A lot of us didn't. That was the problem. Didn't understand why a lot of us kept any fish we caught, no matter how small.
遵守规范 A lot of us didn't. That was the problem. Didn't understand why a lot of us kept any fish we caught, no matter how small.
Mike教练 渥太华驾驶学院 教练 VIP 注册 2007-12-11 消息 5,846 荣誉分数 1,947 声望点数 323 2008-06-07 #7 ccc 说: 遵守规范 A lot of us didn't. That was the problem. Didn't understand why a lot of us kept any fish we caught, no matter how small. 点击展开...
ccc 说: 遵守规范 A lot of us didn't. That was the problem. Didn't understand why a lot of us kept any fish we caught, no matter how small. 点击展开...