

Red Cross launches appeal for China earthquake survivors- Canadian Red Cross




Red Cross launches appeal for China earthquake survivors

(May 15, 2008 - Ottawa) As the scale of the earthquake devastation in Sichuan province becomes clearer, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has today launched an emergency appeal for approximately $20 million to support 100,000 survivors in China for at least the next 12 months.

The Canadian Red Cross has made an initial $1 million contribution from public donations to the international appeal. The focus of the appeal is to support the efforts of the Chinese Red Cross in the region.
Red Cross support to those affected by the earthquake in China has been immediate. The Red Cross Society of China began providing emergency relief assistance immediately following the quake and hundreds of Red Cross volunteers continue to help with rescue and first aid while distributing relief supplies and providing shelter to thousands of people left homeless.
“Yesterday the Chinese Red Cross sent five emergency medical teams to provide assistance to thousands of people injured in the earthquake,” says Yunhong Zhang, Asia program manager for the Canadian Red Cross.
Emergency relief will form the focus of the first phase of the proposed operation, helping to purchase, amongst other things, 3,000 tents, 100,000 quilts, 100,000 food parcels and 2,000 boxes of water purification tablets. The funds will also support the deployment of additional Red Cross medical and first aid teams, with the goal being to have 10 such teams operational in the affected region.
The appeal will also support longer term recovery efforts, explains Zhang.
“Immediate relief is vital,” she says. “But at the same time we need to begin looking beyond this critical phase and towards helping people get back on their feet and rebuilding their lives.”
To this end, the second phase of the operation will focus on supporting the reconstruction of at least 1,000 homes.
The Canadian Red Cross is appealing for donations from the Canadian public to support the relief efforts that are already underway. The response by Canadians has been generous and swift.
If it is determined at a future date that the immediate relief and long-term recovery needs of quake survivors have been met, the Canadian Red Cross will cease collecting donations for this humanitarian response for China and will communicate this information to the public.
Canadians wishing to make a financial donation may give online at www.redcross.ca, call 1-800-418-1111 or contact their local Canadian Red Cross office. The 24-hour toll free line accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Cheques should be made payable to the Canadian Red Cross, earmarked “China Earthquake” and mailed to the Canadian Red Cross National Office, 170 Metcalfe Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2P2.
The Canadian Red Cross is a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which includes the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Committee of the Red Cross and 186 national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Our mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world.
For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Christina Lopes
Canadian Red Cross
W: (613) 740-1815
C: (613) 290-9493
E-mail: christina.lopes@redcross.ca
Posted May 15, 2008


This page can be found online at: http://www.redcross.ca/main.asp?id=027429
All content copyright © 1999-2008 Canadian Red Cross
这次赈灾加拿大政府是属铁公鸡的 -- 一毛不拔!




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Just some facts:

From Candian Red Cross document:

The Canadian Red Cross has been an important partner for the Chinese Red Cross in areas of disaster relief and disaster preparedness in China for the last 15 years. The Canadian Red Cross has responded more than 20 times and contributed approximately $8 million to support emergence activities during earthquakes, typhoon, and floods in China.

Supported by Canadian public, the Canadian Red Cross also funded the establishment of four Chinese Red Cross Regional Disaster Preparedness Centers in Liaoning, Anhui, Jiangsu and Sichuan provinces. Working together with provincial Red Cross branches, the Canadian Red Cross has aslo been supporting health projects in Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and Sichuan since 1999. These projects include assistance to rural hospitals, eyesight recovery project for cataract patients and HIV/AIDS preventioin programs targeting youth and high risk groups.

多维 何頻 (多维博客 )
May 14th, 2008 at 4:42 pm 我倾向于捐款直接交红十字会。因为我在九十年代有过一次与加拿大红十字会合作经验,为华东水灾捐款,捐了几百万加币,为当时西方国家之最。后来安徽杜副省长和中国红十字会孙副会长专程来加。
此 事我早已忘了,今天才想起来和大家分享。当时星岛、世界及电视电台有很多报导。那可能是我至今唯一担任的社团职务:加拿大中国救灾推动委员会协调人,委员 会没设其它职务,主要是做推动工作。在多伦多市政府广场主办了一场大型晚会,明星众多,刘索拉带着她的团队参加了,英文电视作了现场播报。成功地和加拿大 红十字会合作,所有捐款全交红十字会,同时按我们捐一元、红十字会再加一元的比例形成最后捐款数。这种操作既避免了信任、专业等问题,同时捐款数额较大。
