Carleton University 关于西藏的一个讨论会


Brian Given speaks on Tibet
May 22, 2008
The Office of the Vice-President (Research and International) presents an open forum discussion of issues of the day featuring Brian Given, Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, with remarks by Tibetan Canadians Pema Namgyal and Thubten Samdup on 'Tibet: History, Symbols and Issues'.
Admission is free, but seating is limited! Refreshments will be served.
RSVP by May 16, 2008 to 613-520-2600 ext. 3535 or
This new series highlights the expertise of Carleton’s researchers on current events, provides an opportunity to examine controversial issues, and provides a forum to engage the Carleton University and local Ottawa communities.
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Place: Senate Room, 6th Floor, Robertson Hall, Carleton University

非常感谢公布此消息,希望以后有此类活动尽量告知. 有一个小小的建议, 请不要把自己的名字起的这么惨. 还是阳光一点儿的好.
I am going. It is a good time to show how responsible the Chinese govenment is, and how the army responds to natural disasters. I remember that the PLA did same things when Tibetants were facing storms in winter.
How about bring a donation box to the forum? 让大家捐款for Sichuan earthquake。
We need several people in there to support our point of view. Whoever is going need to do some "homework" before you go. eg. Tibet history and current affairs.
Also, have the goal of making friends rather than enemies in mind. To convey, to convince, or inform, not to spar. 汉藏不是敌人。I'm so attempted to disscuss Tibetan affairs with Tibetans and hear their view with my ears. Good luck!
I went there eventually. There were another Chinese researcher and 2 Ottawa U students.

I was amazed as how one sided the speach was and how inadvised the audience was. Four of us did very well in raising some tough questions. Espeailly those 2 students who visited/worked in Tibet before. Their first hand experince did raise some awareness.

We hope that our presence will lead some Canadians to think more. We also feel that those pro-tibetant argument is goundless and very easy to argue with. Will go to more occations like this. There is another one coming in June 5 at Bronson Centre. I will go as well.

I did bring a donation box and got probably $5 from one Canadian.