Any recommentation about bike trailer?


Looking for a bike trailer for my 10 month old baby. Any recommentation and experience with a good one? Some trailer could convert to jogger, how is this kind? Is it useful? How about the MEC bike trailer?

Charlot, BOB Revolution,MEC bike trailer都是挺好的选择,不过,还有个问题就是,如果会有两个孩子年龄挨得近得话,就要头疼一下买一座还是两座得问题了。
Agree with 西西妈, get a really good one if you are going to get good use of it. I highly recommend the Chariot, the Cougar model is very popular and for good reasons.
Thanks 西西妈 and wiki. Doing research on the brand you are suggesting. About single or double seats, is it OK for 1 child sit in the double seats trailer? I see people do that a lot though. If there is no big difference, I am thinking to have double seats as there is more space and who knows the future (probably have 2 children?). Any comments?
孩子年龄如果相差得不远可以买个double,不然还是买single。孩子大了就不愿意坐trailer了,喜欢拖在后面骑。Chariot的单人trailer有足够的空间。最好带孩子去试一试。Kanata的Kundstadt Sports里面有多种Chariot Carrier,估计Westboro附近也有。
Thanks wiki. Will go to Kundstadt Sports to take a look. Any idea about the price range for Chariot trailer, i.e., Cougar model?
没印象了,好像在400-500之间,当然还取决于你买不买那些个attachment,或者conversion kit.

这款只作bike trailer用途,也有人用作上街(加上个小轮子),跑步用肯定不行,没有放东西的地方,座位是最简单的,但是轻便,也最便宜。曾见过COSCO有卖, 大概120块,没有记错的话。
Schwinn Trailblazer Bike Trailer 2008 - at NetShops


Chariot Carriers Cougar 2 Stroller / Trailer Chassis - 2008 from

最后说说MEC bike trailer,这款是我经过深思熟虑后决定买的,是最符合我的需要。这款也是设计用于运动,但轻便当然不及上面的那款,用料也没有以上的讲究,但座位比上面的宽敞很多,所以不能进很多MALL的门,可以进WAL MART两边同时开的那种自动门。最大的好处是后面的车身里面可以装很多东西,完全符合我在一年四季带着两个孩子去活动中心,去买菜的需要。也完全符合我LG偶尔在周末带他们BIKING,SKATING,RUNNING,当然价钱也比较合理。这款我们在大儿子出生时买了个单座的,在小儿子出生时再买一个双座的,我们发现两个都非常有用,现在都在同时用。这款的双座在BIKING的时候有点重,对于我来说根本就拖不动了。
MEC Child Trailer Single - Mountain Equipment Co-op
I recommend buy used Chariot stroller. A lot of people do so since they are very good quality, it can last for years.

I bought a 6-year old stroller from a colleage with a complete bike
attachment for about $130. Trust me, this price is on a cheaper side.
It could be easily goes to $300 range for a used one. I have to admit,
it is very easy to be pulled by bike. My son enjoys it very much.

One thing keep in mind, you will not use it for long. Most kids start biking when they are 3, and they do not like to stay inside. So for you probably
a 2 years of usage. If you do not bike a lot, you do not have to go this
high end bike stroller, I beliver other type does the job fine.
Thanks everyone. Really appreciate all your input. As we already have a good stroller, the bike trailer is mainly used for sports, like biking and jogging. Also, it will only be used for around 2 years. Baby's gear is pricey and could only used for a limit period of time:(. Consider buying a used one.
And one more question to Sean Mama: does the MEC bike trailer has a recline feature? It seems that some people complain about this. What do you do if the kid falls in sleep?
And one more question to Sean Mama: does the MEC bike trailer has a recline feature? It seems that some people complain about this. What do you do if the kid falls in sleep?

MEC's doesn't have a recline feature, but I don't think there is any problem for their sleeping. Some people found the handle it is a little bit short when they are jogging( their sales guys will tell you that), but my LG is 6 feet, he feels fine.

Also you should check these for use stuffs, sometimes they have very good price stuffs, but need to be very fast. Good luck.
kids in Ottawa
Ottawa baby items, cribs & stollers - Free Ottawa Classifieds at Kijiji
And one more question to Sean Mama: does the MEC bike trailer has a recline feature? It seems that some people complain about this. What do you do if the kid falls in sleep?

MEC's doesn't have a recline feature, but I don't think there is any problem for their sleeping. Some people found the handle it is a little bit short when they are jogging( their sales guys will tell you that), but my LG is 6 feet, he feels fine.

Also you should check these for use stuffs, sometimes they have very good price stuffs, but need to be very fast. Good luck.
kids in Ottawa
Ottawa baby items, cribs & stollers - Free Ottawa Classifieds at Kijiji
