In my case(some details might be wrong, i got bad memory since i have my little one), once I am confirmed pregnant, my family doctor did the following things: She also refered me an OB, refered me to do a blood and urine test, refered me to IPS test. Then the OB's office told me I would see the OB when I was 12 weeks pregnant. Before I met my OB, I had first part of IPS (integrated Pre Screening, a test for Down Syndrome - 唐氏综合症, etc.) test done, and the result are sent to my family doctor and my OB. My family doctor also told me I could see her in the first 5 months, and transfer to the OB after that, which means some family doctors could handle all the early pregnancy test.
In your case, you'll miss the IPS test, but don't worry too much if you don't have family history of this kind. Your doctor could let you have a lab regular test (blood and urine) for pregnant woman. I think your OB should review your result even he/she hasn't met you. You could call your OB's office, let them know your situation and your concerns.
Also, recommend the bible for pregnancy: What to expect when you are expecting. You could get it from Ottawa Public library.
Relax, everything will be fine. Good luck!