Another way to get cash is that you deposit your check into your account of line of credit first if you have one. Then you borrow the same amount of money from your account of line of credit right away and transfer this money to your checking account. There is no charge for this transaction and also no interest. The banks have interest charge only when the check is bounced back. Even in this case, the charge is not much. You need to make sure that the check does not have any problem. I do this with my paycheck.
如果你cash cheque是在你的开户行,一般是不需要手续费的;至于马上就要cash back的话,这要看你的credit了啊,一般是hold but $$$$.还有就是像Timothy's说的If you cash 100 check, but you already have 200 in your bank account. They cash it for you . blueray和挺傻说得也很对。
还有一种情况,就是如果你去开给你支票的公司或者个人的银行cash cheque,银行会根据支票上的账户号码查询该账户的amount balance,如果有enough money,银行也会酌情cash your cheque. 只要不是大笔金额的话。