荆楚网消息 (楚天都市报) 据央视新闻频道昨晚报道在8日晚举行的北京奥运开幕式上,一曲《歌唱祖国》震撼了数十亿观众的心,舞台上的红衣小姑娘林妙可给大家留下了深深的印象。其实这甜美、可人的天籁之音来自另外一位幕后小英雄——北大附小的杨沛宜小朋友。正是两位小朋友的珠联璧合的完美配合让40亿观众得以享受这场视听盛宴,点缀了华美绝伦的北京奥运开幕式。对此,导演陈其钢解释,这是为了国家利益。多数网友对此表示理解。
Fireworks, singing fudged for Olympics opening : Home : News : Sympatico / MSN
Fireworks, singing fudged for Olympics opening
Key elements of the stunning ceremony that kicked off the Beijing Olympics were faked, according to new revelations.
CTV.ca News Staff
The spectacular event on Friday included a pyrotechnics display of footprints making their way across the city towards the stadium and a little girl singing "Ode to the Motherland."
It has now been revealed that both events were faked.
The fireworks footage was actually digitally inserted into television coverage of the event, and the cute little girl was lip-synching to a song sung by an apparently less cute 7-year-old, said CTV's Steve Chao, reporting from Beijing.
"According to the Beijing Olympic organizing committee, because of the pollution and the smoggy haze it was decided they would use a digital image to enhance the image of the fireworks," Chao told Canada AM on Tuesday, adding that the safety of the helicopter pilot was also a concern.
In another sign of China's desperation to create the perfect opening ceremonies, the event's music director Chen Qigang told Beijing Radio a last minute decision was made to match the nine-year-old girl's face with another's voice.
Lin Miaoke lip-synched to a version of the song by seven-year-old Yang Peiyi.
"The director said the organizers' plan was for the seven-year-old to sing, but during rehearsals Chinese leaders ... decided the seven-year-old didn't fit the national image," Chao said.
"According to the music director the opening ceremony was so important to Chinese leaders, it was supposed to present a flawless image of the country to the rest of the world, and the seven-year-old didn't seem to fit the bill."
Peiyi reportedly had some crooked teeth and didn't pass the cuteness test.
"The national interest requires that the girl should have good looks and a good grasp of the song and look good on screen," Chen, the music director, told Beijing Radio.
"Lin Miaoke was the best in this. And Yang Peiyi's voice was the most outstanding."
Chao said many Chinese feel upset and betrayed that the opening ceremonies, which was looked to as a symbol of national pride, was faked.
"There's been a lot of backlash in regards to this," Chao said.
"There's a great deal of disbelief among Chinese. Many people are saying they were basically lied to by the Chinese government because everyone was behind the little girl who sang the song, everyone was behind these beautiful pyrotechnic displays and now they're learning a lot of this was faked."
A news story posted on the China News Service says a China Central Television reporter asked Peiyi whether she felt regret over the opening ceremony.
The little girl replied that just having her voice used for the opening ceremony was an honour.