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I think that you are really stupid to find a lawyer. You should stop doing this thing. I have never cared about my wife's private money. The more money she has, the happier I feel. Why do you care about your wife's private money? I only care that my wife doen't have her private money. If she has no money, she will feel unhappy. So, I have to give her money and make her happy. I hope that you change your point of view. Don't be too mean to your wife. You should help her save more money and make her happy. Finally, you will feel happier.
I think that you are really stupid to find a lawyer. You should stop doing this thing. I have never cared about my wife's private money. The more money she has, the happier I feel. Why do you care about your wife's private money? I only care that my wife doen't have her private money. If she has no money, she will feel unhappy. So, I have to give her money and make her happy. I hope that you change your point of view. Don't be too mean to your wife. You should help her save more money and make her happy. Finally, you will feel happier.
--Try calling some of the big law firms in Ottawa and ask to speak with their family lawyers. there is always some minutes' free consultation
--Choose one you are most comfortable with.
--Or calling lawyer referral service.........

最近正在办理离婚事宜, 急需寻找家庭律师, 如果那位朋友能给推荐一位, 本人将不胜感激.

离婚原因之一就是老婆长期以来不择手段, 强行控制家里的大部分钱财, 并且私开银行账户, 将部分收入存入其中, 致使一部分现金取向不明. 原本打算协商解决, 但是其拒不真诚合作, 并且采取转移现金等极其恶劣的手段, 致使事态恶化. 为了维护本人的合法权益, 不得不请家庭律师, 虽然这样的方法是不得已而采取的下下策, 而且最终导致的结果必然是二败具丧, 但是不这样做本人的合法权益就得不到维护, 家庭财产就无法分割, 同时在精神上, 身体上和财产上都承受着越来越大的损害和损失. 所以恳请朋友们推荐一位服务质量好,收费合理的家庭律师, 如果哪位朋友有经验,能介绍一下程序, 准备资料, 注意事项等等, 本人将万分感激.