- 注册
- 2002-10-07
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Zoom Player 是由 inmatrix 公司开发一款加强型播放器拥有最强大的 Direct Show 滤镜/分离器控制系统使您可以随心所欲的定义播放环节中的每一个技术细节.强大的 OSD 屏幕状态显示功能.丰富的细致的系统细节设置考虑到了几乎所有人使用习惯问题.丰富的 DVD 章节控制和编辑功能使您充分享受到 DVD 的互动乐趣.
下载:Zoom Player Home MAX 6.00
下载:Zoom Player Home Premium 6.00
下载:Zoom Player Home Professional 6.00
--- What's new in v6.00:
New :
* Since a lot of people don't appreciate the changes microsoft
made to Windows Vista with its UAC limitations, the Zoom Player
installer now lets you choose between two modes:
Standard install where dynamic files are saved in the AppData
(Application Data) directory and static files are saved in the
install directory. This is required when running Windows Vista
with UAC enabled or running Windows XP with a limited user account.
Legacy mode where all the files are saved in the selected directory.
This is easier to backup, but wont work properly when running
Vista with UAC enabled or Windows XP on a limited user account.
With Legacy mode selected, the file extension association functionality
is restored to Windows XP levels (UAC under Windows Vista limits some
file extension association functions such as changing file icons).
* To maintain compatibility with Windows Vista's user account control
(UAC) mechanism, the Zoom Player installer (using Standard Install)
will move all files that require modification to the windows Application
Data directory (Can be reached by typing "%AppData%\Zoom Player"
in any folder window).
In addition to the move, user-specified skins must be re-selected
through the skin selection dialog.
* Zoom Player now warns you when it detects you are running in
legacy mode under restricted file access (UAC in Vista or a limited
user account under XP/Vista).
* New "Auto-Configure" button on the Smart Play options dialog.
When clicked, all current decoder configuration will be reset
and then the system is scanned for the best decoder configuration
using the currently installed decoders.
* New F8/F9 skin modes (equivalent to the Onyx Lite skin).
* Full EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer) support.
Please note that due to a Microsoft issue/bug, you must use
YUY2 as the colorspace, otherwise color control features
will not function.
* Added support for Haali's Video Renderer technology.
Haali's Video Renderer uses Bicubic interpolation of video using
3D hardware. This means improved video quality, especially when
up-scaling to higher resolution. Older 3D Graphic card may not
be supported (Cards with PS 1.4 or better should work well).
* Zoom Player can now communicate with uTorrent's Web UI interface
in order to display download progress within the Media Library
and File Browsing fullscreen navigation interfaces. This feature
is accessible under "Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / File Tracker". Press the "?" button on
this page for additional information.
* Zoom Player can now keep track with eMule's temporary files directory
in order to display download progress within the Media Library
and File Browsing fullscreen navigation interfaces. This feature
is accessible under "Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / File Tracker". Press the "?" button on
this page for additional information.
* New "Download Manager" navigation interface (Ctrl+"J"), allowing you
to get an overview of your currently downloading files (compatible with
eMule and uTorrent).
* You can now specify additional paths for the File Browser (Adv. Options /
Interface / On Screen Display / Fullscreen Navigation).
New paths appear as drives. You can add network shares (for example
"//USER/Video/" and even local paths such as "C:\Media" creating instant
shortcuts to important directories on your system.
* The File Navigation interface now shows the drive sizes and free space.
* The Chapter editing interface has been modified with a chapter name history
drop-down list and instead of a dialog opening up when adding a chapter,
now you can just type in the chapter name (or pick from the drop-down
history list) and press enter or click the add chapter button, making it
easier to add chapters.
* The Scene Cut editor has been simplified and enhanced. The Scene cut
editor no longer requires you to click on the save button, saving is
done automatically now. A new edit button allows you to edit entries
without having to remove an old entry first. Lastly, the scene cut
interface layout has been updated to make it simpler to use.
* Zoom Player's ".zpl" playlist format has been extended to support
TAG data (author,composer,artist,etc). All TAG data read from
a media file (ID3,ApeTAG,WMA Tag,etc) is automatically saved
within the play list format (allowing you to override TAG data
display without actually modifying the source media file).
* New "Configure Subtitle Filter" button (Adv. Options / Playback /
Video & Subtitles) allowing you to configure the Subtitle filter
more easily.
* Options dialog tree nodes now have an icon to make them easier to
navigate and remember.
* The Media Library, File Browser and Playlist fullscreen
navigation interfaces now offer a "Quick Search" option
allowing you to more easily browse through large listings.
The Quick Search option is accessible by navigating to the
right and selecting the "Quick Search" entry.
* The Media Library and File Browser navigation functions have
been restructured so that the sorting function is now part
of a sub-menu.
* "Select All" and "Clear Selection" functions have been added
to the Media Library and File Browser navigation interfaces
as a sub-menu under the "Select" function.
* The Playlist navigation interface has been restructured so
that the sorting method is now a sub-menu with more sorting
options available (by Size, Directory, Date and Randomly).
* Pressing right on the Playlist history navigation interface
now brings you to the top of the list (the most recently
played item).
* New "Navigation Style" Navigation interface, allowing the
navigation skin to be replaced from within the navigation
interface itself.
* New "Open Navigator" button on the Media Library Path Editor.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Video / Aspect Ratio)
instructing Zoom Player "Derived" Aspect Ratio mode to Automatically
Adjust (fix) the Aspect Ratio for badly encoded content.
This would convert 4:3 content encoded as 720x480 to display as 720x540,
720x576 to 768x576, 352x240 to 352x264, 352x288 to 384x288, etc...
Badly encoded 16:9 content is also adjusted in a similar fashion.
This setting also fixes small aspect ratio inaccuracies caused by a
requirement made by video encoders for the video pixel width or height
to be dividable by 16 (or 8 or 4).
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface) allowing you to disable the
delete key from erasing the currently playing file.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface) allowing you to lock filter/decoder
configuration (property) pages to the main user interface (otherwise they
appear as a floating window).
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display) allowing you
to select custom DVD & Media background images.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / Settings) allowing you to skip the "Library
Filter Mode" page. With this setting enabled, navigating left on the
media library category list will go straight to the Main navigation menu.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation) allowing you to specify the minimum number of
characters that appear when using Quick Search.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / Settings) restoring the ability to "Play all
files in this Directory" from the main file list (file and
media library navigators).
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / Settings) allowing you to select if Cut,
Copy & Paste operations allow you to overwrite files.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / Settings) allowing you to highlight previously
viewed files. This setting with the "remember last
media position" setting (Adv. Options / Playback) and will
highlight any previously viewed file in the Media and File
Navigation interfaces by making its icon semi-transparent.
Please note that this feature can tax the CPU if the play
history (generated by remembering the last media position)
is over a few 100 files.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback) allowing you to set the
"On Play Complete" event (which triggers when a playlist has
finished playing) to "Randomize & Replay", giving you another
random play method.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback) allowing you to limit
remembering the last media position to media files longer than
a specified amount of minutes. This is useful when you don't want
the last media position remembered when playing short media files.
* New Button (Adv. Options / Playback) allowing you to reset the
Remember Last Position cache (and play history, which use the same data).
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video & Subtitles) allowing
you to enable/disable Closed Captions support for media files.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video & Subtitles) allowing
you to automatically hide Closed Captions when playing media files.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video & Subtitles) allowing
you play media files with the subtitles not showing by default.
* New "Guard Dog" feature (Adv. Options / System).
When enabled, the Guard Dog periodically tests that the Zoom Player
process is responding. If the process stops responding for a
specified number of seconds, the Guard Dog will close the player and
start a new instance using a specified command line parameter list.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / System & Files / Paths, Folders
and Files), allowing you to select the Frame Capture (screenshot)
format. BMP, PNG and JPEG are supported.
* New Auto-Segment load setting (Adv. Options / System & Files /
Paths, Folders and Files), allowing you to match file names
automatically by how similar they are. Press the "?" button
for more details on how the matching works. This feature is
on by default for versions that support it.
* New Function (fnBlankMonitors) assigned to the Alt+Shift+"K"
keyboard macro, allowing you to manually toggle blanking
(black-out) of non-playing monitors. The automatic-blanking
of non-playing monitors is accessible through the options
dialog (Adv. Options / System - Blank non-Playing Monitors
while in Fullscreen / Zoom mode). Pressing ESC restores
any blanked out monitor.
* New Function (fnFSActMonitor) assigned to the Alt+Shift+"Enter"
keyboard macro, allowing you to go fullscreen on the currently
active monitor, overriding the fullscreen to monitor "X" setting.
* New "fnPosToClipboard" function (Alt+Ctrl+"C") allowing you to copy
the current playing position to the windows clipboard (which can then
be pasted in another program).
* The Zoom Player function selection dialog is now split into three
categories: Content, Interface and Control. The function list is
also sorted, making functions easier to find.
* New Vista specific feature allowing you to make the entire
Zoom Player window semi-transparent. This also requires that
you use a video renderer that would work (Haali's/VMR9/EVR)
and that VISTA Aero is enabled. To use:
Alt+Ctrl+F4 = Fully visible window.
Alt+Ctrl+F5 = 80% visibility.
Alt+Ctrl+F6 = 60% visibility.
Alt+Ctrl+F7 = 40% visibility.
You can also specify exact transparency values using the new
"exTransWin" extended function.
* New "exTransWin" extended function, allowing you to specify
a transparency value (1-255) for the Zoom Player window.
This function requires Windows VISTA with Aero enabled.
* New "exRandomPlay" extended function, allowing you to discretely
set the Random Play setting to on/off (compared to the fnRandomPlay
function which toggle between on/off).
* New "exSkinTint" extended function allowing you to set the skin's RGB
tinting value.
zplayer.exe /exfunc:exskintint,$7F3000
* New "/Browse" command line parameter instructing Zoom Player to open
the specified web address in its internal web browser. This command line
works even if Zoom Player is already running.
zplayer.exe /browse:http://www.inmatrix.com
* New "/SP:[n]" command line parameter allowing you to turn Smart Play ON/OFF.
To turn Smart Play off use "/SP:0" to turn it on use "/SP:1".
* New "/Color" command line parameter allowing you to set the skin's RGB
tinting value
zplayer.exe /color:$7F3000
* New "/Config" command line parameter. Using this parameter,
you can specify which local (non-registry) configuration file
Zoom Player should use. This parameter is very useful when running
multiple instances of Zoom Player, each with a different configuration.
If the specified configuration file doesn't exist, Zoom Player will
create one (using the default configuration).
zplayer.exe "/config:z:\path to config file\filename.local"
Note that the "" characters are required as this command
line parameter contains spaces.
* New "/Func" command line parameter. This parameter allows
you to instruct Zoom Player to execute functions directly
from the command line.
This parameter can also be used while Zoom Player is running,
enabling simple command-line based automation.
Example for always starting with the Main Navigator open:
zplayer.exe /Func:fnMainNav
For a full function list, see the Function List:
* New "/ExFunc" command line parameter. This parameter allows
you to instruct Zoom Player to execute extended functions
directly from the command line.
This parameter can also be used while Zoom Player is running,
enabling simple command-line based automation.
Example for always starting with the Playlist Editor open:
zplayer.exe /ExFunc:exInterface,2
For a full function list, read the Skinning Tutorial:
* New "/MultInst" command line parameter. Using this parameter
instructs Zoom Player to start another instance of the player
even if Zoom Player's multiple-instances setting is set to
* New "/nCols", "/nRows", "/Col" and "/Row" command line parameters
allowing you to divide the active monitor into columns and rows which can
be used to position the player window. The "/nRows" defines the number
of rows, "/nCols" defines the number of columns, "/Col" defines the
active column (starting with column "0") and "/Row" defines the active
row (starting with row "0").
zplayer.exe /ncols:3 /nrows:3 /col:1 /row:1
* New "/StartPath" command line parameter allowing you to set the initial
path for the file-open dialog and the file browsing navigation interface.
* New "IconScale" parameter for the "ListData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to set the size of
list line icons relative to the size of the line height.
* New "" skin script dynamic variable that returns the current
playing index.
* New "" skin script dynamic variable that returns the current
playlist item count without adding the "file(s)" text to the returned value.
* All screen saver settings have been moved to:
Advanced Options / System / Screen Saver
* The internal screen saver has been enhanced to support image
slideshows in addition to the plasma background.
* You can now specify if the text information and animated streamers
are displayed by the internal screen saver.
* Added support for the Microsoft DVD decoders (part of Windows Vista).
* Support for PowerDVD v8 filters (CD Audio/H.264/MPEG2 and DVD Navigation)
* Added support for the "ffds" XVID sub-type created by the
ffdshow encoder.
* New "default" button next to the Archive Playback configuration
dialog (Adv. Options / System & Files / Paths, Folders and Files).
* Added support for DCoder's Bass Source filter. The bass
source filter adds support for the following audio formats:
* Added support for DCoder's Bass Source filter SHOUTcast streaming.
DCoder's Bass Source filter is more reliable and supports streaming
of SHOUTcast MP3/OGG/AAC content.
* Added support for the Illiminable FLAC decoder as an alternative
to CoreFLAC.
* Added support for FLV4 type Flash Video (".FLV" files).
* The Keyboard Shortcut list (F1) has been restructured, making it
easier to find keyboard macros.
* Can now quickly get duration for Windows Media Audio (".wma") files.
The default value for auto-get duration now includes the "wma" format,
If you are upgrading from a previous installation, you will need to
go to "Adv. Options / System / File Extensions" and press the Default
button next to the "Auto-Get Duration" edit line.
* The ".DVR-MS" file extension can now be associated with Zoom Player.
* The ".EVO" file extension can now be associated with Zoom Player.
* Added support for the ".CBR" and ".CBZ" comic book formats to the
archive extraction tool. To enable, you must reset to the default
archive extensions (Adv. Options / System & Files / File Extensions).
* Initial EVO/EVOB (HD-DVD video files) playback support,
If you are upgrading from a previous installation, you will need to
go to "Adv. Options / System / File Extensions" and press the Default
button next to the "Video" edit line.
* You can now activate a Zoom Player registration by double-clicking
on a valid "zplayer.regkey" file from within Explorer.
* New "ProgressColor" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
Skin-script command, allowing you to select which color will be
used when displaying download progress within the Media Library,
File Browsing and Download Manager fullscreen navigation interfaces.
* New "PathColor" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which color will be
used for the path text within the Media Library, File Browsing
and Download Manager fullscreen navigation interfaces.
* New "PathOutline" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which outline color will
be used for the path text within the Media Library, File Browsing
and Download Manager fullscreen navigation interfaces.
* New "PathExtraColor" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which outline color will
be used for the extra path text within the Media Library, File Browsing
and Download Manager fullscreen navigation interfaces.
* New "PathExtraOutline" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which outline color will
be used for the path extra text within the Media Library, File Browsing
and Download Manager fullscreen navigation interfaces.
* New "ConfirmColor" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which color will be
used for the confirmation fullscreen navigation interface.
* New "ConfirmOutline" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which outline color will
be used for the confirmation fullscreen navigation interface.
* The DVD AutoGraph script format now supports a parameter that
connects the Video Decoder's Subpicture pin to the Video Renderer
directly (to support DXVA with subtitles).
* New DVD profiles for the Convolver filter:
* The Main fullscreen navigational interface is now accessible directly through
the right-click context menu.
* Support for the ".WAX" ,".WVX", ".WMX" playlist file extensions.
+ Newly supported file extensions: M4B, HDMOV.
* New "1130" CommAPI command that retrieves the currently playing frame rate
per second (FPS). This is the same value seen on the information dialog
("I" keyboard macro).
* New "1140" CommAPI command that retrieves that estimated frame rate per
second (FPS). This value is not 100% accurate as some formats do not
have a fixed frame rate or simply do not report a frame rate. In cases
where the real FPS is unattainable, an estimated FPS value is returned.
* New "1811" CommAPI command allowing you to retrieve the number of items
in the current playlist. This message is also shown when the playlist
item count is modified.
* New CommAPI message 1860 allowing you to pass a web address (URL) for
Zoom Player to open.
Changes :
+ "Zoom Player WMV Professional" has been renamed to
"Zoom Player Home Premium".
"Zoom Player Standard" has been renamed to
"Zoom Player Home Basic".
+ Dropping items into the playlist now drops the items at the mouse
cursor position in the playlist.
+ The Color Control and Equalizer navigation interfaces have been
redesigned to take less screen space.
+ The default skin is now selected directly from the skin list,
(as the first skin listed) instead of clicking on the default
skin button.
+ The skin selection interface is now sorted alphabetically.
+ The skin selection interface behavior has been changed slightly.
In order to apply a custom tint, you must now click the Apply Tint
+ The default Audio mode skin now has a wider volume bar and
includes a new button that opens the station manager.
+ The Control Bar and OSD Pop-ups are now accessible even when the
player window is set to "Stay on Top".
+ Pressing stop twice was set to resume playback from the position
prior to the stop function being called. This wasn't too clear so
now a "Resume" OSD message pops up.
+ The Navigation interfaces should work slightly faster, especially
in situations where more complex navigation skins are used (skins
with large transparency effects).
+ When setting the navigation interface's line count, the Equalizer
and Color Control interfaces ignore a value of "-2" as they are
only 3 lines to begin with.
+ The Frame Capture Alt+"F" (screenshot) function should now work
in all video renderers except Overlay Mixer, VMR9 Renderless
(VMR9 Windowed and Windowless should work) and EVR.
+ The archive configuration now allows you to specify dynamic system
paths. For example:
"%programfiles%-Zipz.exe" x "%n" "-o%p"
Instead of :
"C:\Program Files-Zipz.exe" x "%n" "-o%p"
The default values have been updated and you can use the new
default button to set them.
+ The ".iso" and ".img" extensions have been moved from the executable
extension list into the archive extension list. With the latest
version of 7-Zip (www.7-zip.org) installed, you can now extract
and play CD/DVD images directly from within Zoom Player. Make sure
to press the default buttons (Adv. Options / System / File Extensions).
+ The Main Navigation interface should appear much quicker now,
especially when accessed while a video is playing.
+ The "/X", "/Y", "/W" and "/H" command line parameters now
function even if Zoom Player is already running, allowing
you to re-position & size the main user interface window
from the command line (previously, these parameters only
worked when initially running Zoom Player).
+ The Media Library and File Browser navigation functions have been
re-ordered for increased usability.
+ The File Association options dialog has been restructured
for additional clarity.
+ You can now specify a +6,+8 or +10 values for the navigation
interface line count.
+ Function descriptions have changed to make them easier to Read,
Understand and Search.
+ The Girder Exported commands are now sorted and split into
categories, making it easier to program remote devices
and home automation systems.
+ Mouse left click while holding the Alt key now zooms in 10%
instead of 50% (which wasn't as useful).
+ The Alt+"S" keyboard macro that shows the subtitle filter configuration
dialog can now be used without any media playing.
+ Ctrl+"C" now enables/disables closed captioning when used by
media files (it was previously limited to DVDs).
+ You can now select a custom playlist font without having to
customize the playlist colors as well.
+ Synchronizing the Subtitles Ahead/Back is now done in 100ms
increments (instead of the previous 25ms).
+ The Mouse Wheel "function-cycle" function and the Mouse Wheel
Function navigation interfaces now list the custom function as
the actual function name instead of "Custom".
+ The AB-Repeat function (Alt+"R") used to loop a specific section of
audio/video will now highlight the timeline to indicate the looping
section (only on the default and newer skins).
+ When using the File Browsing and Media Library navigation interfaces, the
Copy & Paste functions will now show an OSD message while moving files and
a success/fail OSD message when the file operation completes.
+ The File Browser and Media Library navigation interfaces will now
display the file's icon when using the function pane.
+ If no navigation interfaces are enabled through the options dialog,
the main navigation interface will no longer be accessible.
+ The DVD Fast Forward and Rewind rate now support two more values:
"8/16/32" and "12/24/48".
+ Opening "mms://" addresses should now work a little better.
+ When opening the player with secondary windows open (playlist editor,
equalizer, etc...) the keyboard focus did not remain on the main window.
+ Several items on the right-click menu have been renamed for clarity.
+ The "Add Chapter" function's keyboard macro has been changed from "C" to
+ Real-Time Frame rate reporting on the information dialog should now work
with Custom Video Renderers as long as they support the IQualProp interface.
+ The "1600,1601 and 1703" Audio Track CommAPI commands are now accessible
for media files (no longer limited to DVDs).
+ The "1700,1701,1703 and 1704" Subtitle CommAPI commands are now accessible
for media files (no longer limited to DVDs).
+ Updated description of video renderers.
+ When opening the options dialog on a monitor with resolution too low
to display the entire dialog, the dialog will now cover more of the
screen area.
+ Enabling/Disabling the DVD & Media Background images has moved to
"Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display"
Fixes :
- A bug in the archive extracting code could cause extracted
archive to extract in the wrong directory under some conditions.
- When random play was enabled and only one file was playing,
the "On Play Complete" event was called if the same file was
opened twice.
- The external command to "Enqueue/Play with" Zoom Player has been
moved to a shell extension under Windows 2000/XP/Vista, making it
faster and more reliable.
- Playing the next/previous file in the directory, or using similar
functions such as playing the next/previous file of the same type
in the directory didn't work with UNC paths (network paths).
- When extracting and playing the content of an archive file, the
first file in the archive would be loaded twice in succession.
- Some M3U playlist files wouldn't load properly if the files within
contained ANSI characters which conflicted with UTF8 decoding.
- Setting a custom aspect ratio with a "0" value could cause
Zoom Player to crash with an invalid division by zero error.
- A sorting glitch was fixed in the file browser and media library
navigation interfaces where the "Go to previous directory" option
appeared at the bottom of the file list instead of at the top.
- Deleting entries from the Chapter Browser navigation interface no
longer causes a "Divide by Zero" error in some cases.
- Having both "Auto-Size User Interface to maintain Video Aspect Ratio"
and "Prevent moving the user interface off the primary monitor" enabled
could cause a freeze when using the Alt+"4" or Alt+"5" functions to Zoom
the video window beyond the size of the monitor.
- When using the internal image decoder, Zoom Player can now detect
badly named image files (such as PNG files with JPG extension).
Supported mislabeled image formats include: BMP, JPG, PNG.
- Some MJPEG files may not have been detected properly by Smart Play.
- Fix for the Zoom Player Install Center where it wouldn't
recognize certain updates as up to date if they were
installed to a unicode file path.
- The Zoom Player registration key is now searched for in
both the Zoom Player directory and in the application data
- Pressing "Del" to erase the currently playing file with
other entries selected in the playlist would not remove the
erased file from the playlist.
- ID3/TAG display of unicode file name would show "???" if
the audio file had no ID3 data.
- ID3/TAG display of unicode file name would show "???" if
the audio file ID3 data containing unicode text and the
Windows country code was non-english.
- ID3/TAG display wouldn't always update when loading certain
audio file formats.
- When trying to select a DVD auto-execute software (Adv. Options /
Playback / DVD / DVD Tools), typing in the "New" field would not
enable the "Apply" button.
- The Skip to the next file in the playlist when an unplayable file is
encountered function no longer skips to the next file if the entire
playlist is unplayable. This fix prevents the playlist from looping
in error messages forever.
- Improved Network path support for paths starting with "//".
- The internal image decoder can now load images from network paths.
- Ejecting a drive while listening to streaming media could cause
playback to stop.
- Using the "," character as part of a chapter name would truncate
the chapter name.
- When specifying a transparent color for the Timeline, loading
a different skin that didn't contain timeline transparency would
not clear the transparent regions properly.
- Fixed a bug where applying a custom File Extension Association icon
would not always work properly.
- Failing to load a media file with a background image enabled could
cause the background image to display in an incorrect aspect ratio.
- The TV Pattern mode would incorrectly draw a red vertical line at
some resolutions.
- The background image and circle pattern would not respect the source
relative stretch feature when it was set to a specific monitor (the
stretch value was applied to all monitors).
- Cosmetic fix for the navigation scrollbar widget being slightly
inaccurate position wise.
- Under some conditions, the TCP port would not become accessible.
- File Association should now be working under Windows VISTA with
UAC mode enabled.
- The "Continue to the next item on the playlist when an invalid
file is played" didn't work when the file was missing rather than
- Using the play next file in the same directory should no longer flash
the media background images between files. This fix also makes the
images load faster.
- When the player was set to "Stay On Top", some options dialog sub-menus
would appear beneath the options dialog, making them inaccessible.
- When Stay On Top was enabled, some interfaces were appearing behind
the main user interface.
- Setting a Playlist Font/Color override would return to the skin values
when switching skin modes.
- When the player window would lose focus, the control bar
stopped auto-hiding.
- With some file formats, the playlist would not update the
total playlist duration properly.
- Enabling the "Show Time Seek Position Over Timeline" feature
would cause the Zoom Player window to become the top-most
window if the mouse cursor hovered over the timeline.
- Trying to open the Options dialog with the main window set
to "Stay on Top" and Zoom Player set to only show an icon on
the tray area would cause the options dialog to appear behind
the main window.
- Monitor Powerdown will no longer be disabled when playing
in windowed mode (Powerdown will only be disabled when
- Exporting Girder commands while using a local configuration file would
not use the correct window name, preventing the exported girder file
from working.
- More cases of unsupported hardware color control are now detected by the
color control navigational interface.
- Disabling the "'Del' key moves media files to the recycle bin (with
confirmation)" setting would erroneously disable the erase function from
working in the media library and file browsing navigation interfaces.
- Trying to play Audio-CDs through the file browsing navigation interface
would not play the file.
- Detaching the control bar would not snap its position to
the previously saved detached position under some conditions.
- With a detached Control Bar, it was possible for the mouse wheel
functions not to work if the control bar was moved.
- Trying to play streaming content while in DVD Mode would not
switch to media mode automatically and then fail to play.
- The Context Navigator did not use the scripting parameters
assigned to it correctly.
- The Contact Sheet creation form didn't allow you to select
the contact sheet color values.
- Some navigation interface titles could not be translated
into other languages.
- The "exSetMode" function would not switch modes properly
under some conditions.
- Switching between Media/DVD/Audio mode could result in
an Audio mode skin loaded in DVD mode.
- Switching between skin modes in the skin selection dialog would not update
the available skin lists properly between modes.
- Opening the skin selection dialog with a navigation interface visible
would not show the correct tint values (it showed the skin's tint
values rather than the navigation tint values).
- When Stay On Top was enabled, the seek-to hint window would appear
behind the main user interface window.
- The "Scrollbar Highlight" color for forced Playlist colors
was not being saved properly.
- If the internal screen saver got activated with the open
file dialog already open, it could cause Zoom Player to
become non-responsive.
- Navigation interfaces would not appear when using VISTA Aero and
having the blank secondary monitor feature enabled.
- Pressing Insert in the File Navigator with no files listed would
raise a List out of Bounds error.
- The File Navigator would forget the last active drive if you opened
and closed Zoom Player without opening the navigator.
- The "/F:[x]" and "/Z:[x]" parameters did not go Fullscreen on the right
monitor if Zoom Player was in window mode.
- Fixed a buffer overlow issue thanks to Luigi Auriemma.
- Fixed a number is not integer error with the uTorrent file tracker.
- The Zoom Player install center would not allow you to configure
filters if Zoom Player was installed in a unicode directly.
- Loading ".WPL" playlist containing network addresses should now
look for the files over the network rather than in a local path.
- The basic options dialog tree list wouldn't translate properly.
- Windows Media files that required a password to play would fail to
display the password prompt and fail to play.
- Switching the Navigation Interface color-tint through the skin
selection interface could cause a crash under certain circumstances.
- Playing a media file from one of the navigation interfaces no
longer shows the media background image before playing the file.
- Having the Control Bar Auto-Show and then having it Auto-Hide
if the distance is too big could cause the Control Bar to
remain on-screen under some circumstances.
- The Scene-Cut Jump and Mute Audio functions were not working correctly.
- Clicking on the Zoom Player tray icon while fullscreen on a secondary
monitor would cause the Zoom Player window to resize without drawing
the skin properly.
- Improved stability for DCoder's DVB filter's graph building.
- Ejecting a non-playing CD/DVD/USB device while a DVD is playing
would cause the DVD to stop.
- The Next/Previous chapter functions were not working properly in
the default DVD skin.
- On some non-standard resolution, the fullscreen navigation interface
would not cover the right-most pixel.
- Playing audio files with file extensions that could also be used for
video files (such as ".MP4") would have Zoom Player remember the
last media position for the audio file, even if remembering audio
file last position was disabled.
- Playing a Matroska file with External subtitles would not allow you
to cycle through the external subtitle tracks with Ctrl+"B".
- Having On Play Complete set to "Do Nothing" while having "Remember
Last Media Position" enabled would cause the video to rewind, even
though it should have paused on the last frame.
- CommAPI message 5130 (call navigation function) was not working.
- Under Windows VISTA, pressing Alt+Tab with some interfaces would
cause several buttons/checkboxes to disappear.
- Filter property pages will now appear on the same monitor as the
Zoom Player user interface.
- Several small cosmetic glitches fixed in the default skin.
- Cosmetic glitch fixed in the advanced playlist control (buttons could
- Several navigation interfaces were not showing unicode text correctly.

--- What's new in v6.00:
New :
* Since a lot of people don't appreciate the changes microsoft
made to Windows Vista with its UAC limitations, the Zoom Player
installer now lets you choose between two modes:
Standard install where dynamic files are saved in the AppData
(Application Data) directory and static files are saved in the
install directory. This is required when running Windows Vista
with UAC enabled or running Windows XP with a limited user account.
Legacy mode where all the files are saved in the selected directory.
This is easier to backup, but wont work properly when running
Vista with UAC enabled or Windows XP on a limited user account.
With Legacy mode selected, the file extension association functionality
is restored to Windows XP levels (UAC under Windows Vista limits some
file extension association functions such as changing file icons).
* To maintain compatibility with Windows Vista's user account control
(UAC) mechanism, the Zoom Player installer (using Standard Install)
will move all files that require modification to the windows Application
Data directory (Can be reached by typing "%AppData%\Zoom Player"
in any folder window).
In addition to the move, user-specified skins must be re-selected
through the skin selection dialog.
* Zoom Player now warns you when it detects you are running in
legacy mode under restricted file access (UAC in Vista or a limited
user account under XP/Vista).
* New "Auto-Configure" button on the Smart Play options dialog.
When clicked, all current decoder configuration will be reset
and then the system is scanned for the best decoder configuration
using the currently installed decoders.
* New F8/F9 skin modes (equivalent to the Onyx Lite skin).
* Full EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer) support.
Please note that due to a Microsoft issue/bug, you must use
YUY2 as the colorspace, otherwise color control features
will not function.
* Added support for Haali's Video Renderer technology.
Haali's Video Renderer uses Bicubic interpolation of video using
3D hardware. This means improved video quality, especially when
up-scaling to higher resolution. Older 3D Graphic card may not
be supported (Cards with PS 1.4 or better should work well).
* Zoom Player can now communicate with uTorrent's Web UI interface
in order to display download progress within the Media Library
and File Browsing fullscreen navigation interfaces. This feature
is accessible under "Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / File Tracker". Press the "?" button on
this page for additional information.
* Zoom Player can now keep track with eMule's temporary files directory
in order to display download progress within the Media Library
and File Browsing fullscreen navigation interfaces. This feature
is accessible under "Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / File Tracker". Press the "?" button on
this page for additional information.
* New "Download Manager" navigation interface (Ctrl+"J"), allowing you
to get an overview of your currently downloading files (compatible with
eMule and uTorrent).
* You can now specify additional paths for the File Browser (Adv. Options /
Interface / On Screen Display / Fullscreen Navigation).
New paths appear as drives. You can add network shares (for example
"//USER/Video/" and even local paths such as "C:\Media" creating instant
shortcuts to important directories on your system.
* The File Navigation interface now shows the drive sizes and free space.
* The Chapter editing interface has been modified with a chapter name history
drop-down list and instead of a dialog opening up when adding a chapter,
now you can just type in the chapter name (or pick from the drop-down
history list) and press enter or click the add chapter button, making it
easier to add chapters.
* The Scene Cut editor has been simplified and enhanced. The Scene cut
editor no longer requires you to click on the save button, saving is
done automatically now. A new edit button allows you to edit entries
without having to remove an old entry first. Lastly, the scene cut
interface layout has been updated to make it simpler to use.
* Zoom Player's ".zpl" playlist format has been extended to support
TAG data (author,composer,artist,etc). All TAG data read from
a media file (ID3,ApeTAG,WMA Tag,etc) is automatically saved
within the play list format (allowing you to override TAG data
display without actually modifying the source media file).
* New "Configure Subtitle Filter" button (Adv. Options / Playback /
Video & Subtitles) allowing you to configure the Subtitle filter
more easily.
* Options dialog tree nodes now have an icon to make them easier to
navigate and remember.
* The Media Library, File Browser and Playlist fullscreen
navigation interfaces now offer a "Quick Search" option
allowing you to more easily browse through large listings.
The Quick Search option is accessible by navigating to the
right and selecting the "Quick Search" entry.
* The Media Library and File Browser navigation functions have
been restructured so that the sorting function is now part
of a sub-menu.
* "Select All" and "Clear Selection" functions have been added
to the Media Library and File Browser navigation interfaces
as a sub-menu under the "Select" function.
* The Playlist navigation interface has been restructured so
that the sorting method is now a sub-menu with more sorting
options available (by Size, Directory, Date and Randomly).
* Pressing right on the Playlist history navigation interface
now brings you to the top of the list (the most recently
played item).
* New "Navigation Style" Navigation interface, allowing the
navigation skin to be replaced from within the navigation
interface itself.
* New "Open Navigator" button on the Media Library Path Editor.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Video / Aspect Ratio)
instructing Zoom Player "Derived" Aspect Ratio mode to Automatically
Adjust (fix) the Aspect Ratio for badly encoded content.
This would convert 4:3 content encoded as 720x480 to display as 720x540,
720x576 to 768x576, 352x240 to 352x264, 352x288 to 384x288, etc...
Badly encoded 16:9 content is also adjusted in a similar fashion.
This setting also fixes small aspect ratio inaccuracies caused by a
requirement made by video encoders for the video pixel width or height
to be dividable by 16 (or 8 or 4).
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface) allowing you to disable the
delete key from erasing the currently playing file.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface) allowing you to lock filter/decoder
configuration (property) pages to the main user interface (otherwise they
appear as a floating window).
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display) allowing you
to select custom DVD & Media background images.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / Settings) allowing you to skip the "Library
Filter Mode" page. With this setting enabled, navigating left on the
media library category list will go straight to the Main navigation menu.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation) allowing you to specify the minimum number of
characters that appear when using Quick Search.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / Settings) restoring the ability to "Play all
files in this Directory" from the main file list (file and
media library navigators).
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / Settings) allowing you to select if Cut,
Copy & Paste operations allow you to overwrite files.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / Settings) allowing you to highlight previously
viewed files. This setting with the "remember last
media position" setting (Adv. Options / Playback) and will
highlight any previously viewed file in the Media and File
Navigation interfaces by making its icon semi-transparent.
Please note that this feature can tax the CPU if the play
history (generated by remembering the last media position)
is over a few 100 files.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback) allowing you to set the
"On Play Complete" event (which triggers when a playlist has
finished playing) to "Randomize & Replay", giving you another
random play method.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback) allowing you to limit
remembering the last media position to media files longer than
a specified amount of minutes. This is useful when you don't want
the last media position remembered when playing short media files.
* New Button (Adv. Options / Playback) allowing you to reset the
Remember Last Position cache (and play history, which use the same data).
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video & Subtitles) allowing
you to enable/disable Closed Captions support for media files.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video & Subtitles) allowing
you to automatically hide Closed Captions when playing media files.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video & Subtitles) allowing
you play media files with the subtitles not showing by default.
* New "Guard Dog" feature (Adv. Options / System).
When enabled, the Guard Dog periodically tests that the Zoom Player
process is responding. If the process stops responding for a
specified number of seconds, the Guard Dog will close the player and
start a new instance using a specified command line parameter list.
* New Setting (Adv. Options / System & Files / Paths, Folders
and Files), allowing you to select the Frame Capture (screenshot)
format. BMP, PNG and JPEG are supported.
* New Auto-Segment load setting (Adv. Options / System & Files /
Paths, Folders and Files), allowing you to match file names
automatically by how similar they are. Press the "?" button
for more details on how the matching works. This feature is
on by default for versions that support it.
* New Function (fnBlankMonitors) assigned to the Alt+Shift+"K"
keyboard macro, allowing you to manually toggle blanking
(black-out) of non-playing monitors. The automatic-blanking
of non-playing monitors is accessible through the options
dialog (Adv. Options / System - Blank non-Playing Monitors
while in Fullscreen / Zoom mode). Pressing ESC restores
any blanked out monitor.
* New Function (fnFSActMonitor) assigned to the Alt+Shift+"Enter"
keyboard macro, allowing you to go fullscreen on the currently
active monitor, overriding the fullscreen to monitor "X" setting.
* New "fnPosToClipboard" function (Alt+Ctrl+"C") allowing you to copy
the current playing position to the windows clipboard (which can then
be pasted in another program).
* The Zoom Player function selection dialog is now split into three
categories: Content, Interface and Control. The function list is
also sorted, making functions easier to find.
* New Vista specific feature allowing you to make the entire
Zoom Player window semi-transparent. This also requires that
you use a video renderer that would work (Haali's/VMR9/EVR)
and that VISTA Aero is enabled. To use:
Alt+Ctrl+F4 = Fully visible window.
Alt+Ctrl+F5 = 80% visibility.
Alt+Ctrl+F6 = 60% visibility.
Alt+Ctrl+F7 = 40% visibility.
You can also specify exact transparency values using the new
"exTransWin" extended function.
* New "exTransWin" extended function, allowing you to specify
a transparency value (1-255) for the Zoom Player window.
This function requires Windows VISTA with Aero enabled.
* New "exRandomPlay" extended function, allowing you to discretely
set the Random Play setting to on/off (compared to the fnRandomPlay
function which toggle between on/off).
* New "exSkinTint" extended function allowing you to set the skin's RGB
tinting value.
zplayer.exe /exfunc:exskintint,$7F3000
* New "/Browse" command line parameter instructing Zoom Player to open
the specified web address in its internal web browser. This command line
works even if Zoom Player is already running.
zplayer.exe /browse:http://www.inmatrix.com
* New "/SP:[n]" command line parameter allowing you to turn Smart Play ON/OFF.
To turn Smart Play off use "/SP:0" to turn it on use "/SP:1".
* New "/Color" command line parameter allowing you to set the skin's RGB
tinting value
zplayer.exe /color:$7F3000
* New "/Config" command line parameter. Using this parameter,
you can specify which local (non-registry) configuration file
Zoom Player should use. This parameter is very useful when running
multiple instances of Zoom Player, each with a different configuration.
If the specified configuration file doesn't exist, Zoom Player will
create one (using the default configuration).
zplayer.exe "/config:z:\path to config file\filename.local"
Note that the "" characters are required as this command
line parameter contains spaces.
* New "/Func" command line parameter. This parameter allows
you to instruct Zoom Player to execute functions directly
from the command line.
This parameter can also be used while Zoom Player is running,
enabling simple command-line based automation.
Example for always starting with the Main Navigator open:
zplayer.exe /Func:fnMainNav
For a full function list, see the Function List:
* New "/ExFunc" command line parameter. This parameter allows
you to instruct Zoom Player to execute extended functions
directly from the command line.
This parameter can also be used while Zoom Player is running,
enabling simple command-line based automation.
Example for always starting with the Playlist Editor open:
zplayer.exe /ExFunc:exInterface,2
For a full function list, read the Skinning Tutorial:
* New "/MultInst" command line parameter. Using this parameter
instructs Zoom Player to start another instance of the player
even if Zoom Player's multiple-instances setting is set to
* New "/nCols", "/nRows", "/Col" and "/Row" command line parameters
allowing you to divide the active monitor into columns and rows which can
be used to position the player window. The "/nRows" defines the number
of rows, "/nCols" defines the number of columns, "/Col" defines the
active column (starting with column "0") and "/Row" defines the active
row (starting with row "0").
zplayer.exe /ncols:3 /nrows:3 /col:1 /row:1
* New "/StartPath" command line parameter allowing you to set the initial
path for the file-open dialog and the file browsing navigation interface.
* New "IconScale" parameter for the "ListData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to set the size of
list line icons relative to the size of the line height.
* New "" skin script dynamic variable that returns the current
playing index.
* New "" skin script dynamic variable that returns the current
playlist item count without adding the "file(s)" text to the returned value.
* All screen saver settings have been moved to:
Advanced Options / System / Screen Saver
* The internal screen saver has been enhanced to support image
slideshows in addition to the plasma background.
* You can now specify if the text information and animated streamers
are displayed by the internal screen saver.
* Added support for the Microsoft DVD decoders (part of Windows Vista).
* Support for PowerDVD v8 filters (CD Audio/H.264/MPEG2 and DVD Navigation)
* Added support for the "ffds" XVID sub-type created by the
ffdshow encoder.
* New "default" button next to the Archive Playback configuration
dialog (Adv. Options / System & Files / Paths, Folders and Files).
* Added support for DCoder's Bass Source filter. The bass
source filter adds support for the following audio formats:
* Added support for DCoder's Bass Source filter SHOUTcast streaming.
DCoder's Bass Source filter is more reliable and supports streaming
of SHOUTcast MP3/OGG/AAC content.
* Added support for the Illiminable FLAC decoder as an alternative
to CoreFLAC.
* Added support for FLV4 type Flash Video (".FLV" files).
* The Keyboard Shortcut list (F1) has been restructured, making it
easier to find keyboard macros.
* Can now quickly get duration for Windows Media Audio (".wma") files.
The default value for auto-get duration now includes the "wma" format,
If you are upgrading from a previous installation, you will need to
go to "Adv. Options / System / File Extensions" and press the Default
button next to the "Auto-Get Duration" edit line.
* The ".DVR-MS" file extension can now be associated with Zoom Player.
* The ".EVO" file extension can now be associated with Zoom Player.
* Added support for the ".CBR" and ".CBZ" comic book formats to the
archive extraction tool. To enable, you must reset to the default
archive extensions (Adv. Options / System & Files / File Extensions).
* Initial EVO/EVOB (HD-DVD video files) playback support,
If you are upgrading from a previous installation, you will need to
go to "Adv. Options / System / File Extensions" and press the Default
button next to the "Video" edit line.
* You can now activate a Zoom Player registration by double-clicking
on a valid "zplayer.regkey" file from within Explorer.
* New "ProgressColor" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
Skin-script command, allowing you to select which color will be
used when displaying download progress within the Media Library,
File Browsing and Download Manager fullscreen navigation interfaces.
* New "PathColor" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which color will be
used for the path text within the Media Library, File Browsing
and Download Manager fullscreen navigation interfaces.
* New "PathOutline" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which outline color will
be used for the path text within the Media Library, File Browsing
and Download Manager fullscreen navigation interfaces.
* New "PathExtraColor" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which outline color will
be used for the extra path text within the Media Library, File Browsing
and Download Manager fullscreen navigation interfaces.
* New "PathExtraOutline" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which outline color will
be used for the path extra text within the Media Library, File Browsing
and Download Manager fullscreen navigation interfaces.
* New "ConfirmColor" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which color will be
used for the confirmation fullscreen navigation interface.
* New "ConfirmOutline" parameter for the "ColorData" navigation
skin-script command, allowing you to select which outline color will
be used for the confirmation fullscreen navigation interface.
* The DVD AutoGraph script format now supports a parameter that
connects the Video Decoder's Subpicture pin to the Video Renderer
directly (to support DXVA with subtitles).
* New DVD profiles for the Convolver filter:
* The Main fullscreen navigational interface is now accessible directly through
the right-click context menu.
* Support for the ".WAX" ,".WVX", ".WMX" playlist file extensions.
+ Newly supported file extensions: M4B, HDMOV.
* New "1130" CommAPI command that retrieves the currently playing frame rate
per second (FPS). This is the same value seen on the information dialog
("I" keyboard macro).
* New "1140" CommAPI command that retrieves that estimated frame rate per
second (FPS). This value is not 100% accurate as some formats do not
have a fixed frame rate or simply do not report a frame rate. In cases
where the real FPS is unattainable, an estimated FPS value is returned.
* New "1811" CommAPI command allowing you to retrieve the number of items
in the current playlist. This message is also shown when the playlist
item count is modified.
* New CommAPI message 1860 allowing you to pass a web address (URL) for
Zoom Player to open.
Changes :
+ "Zoom Player WMV Professional" has been renamed to
"Zoom Player Home Premium".
"Zoom Player Standard" has been renamed to
"Zoom Player Home Basic".
+ Dropping items into the playlist now drops the items at the mouse
cursor position in the playlist.
+ The Color Control and Equalizer navigation interfaces have been
redesigned to take less screen space.
+ The default skin is now selected directly from the skin list,
(as the first skin listed) instead of clicking on the default
skin button.
+ The skin selection interface is now sorted alphabetically.
+ The skin selection interface behavior has been changed slightly.
In order to apply a custom tint, you must now click the Apply Tint
+ The default Audio mode skin now has a wider volume bar and
includes a new button that opens the station manager.
+ The Control Bar and OSD Pop-ups are now accessible even when the
player window is set to "Stay on Top".
+ Pressing stop twice was set to resume playback from the position
prior to the stop function being called. This wasn't too clear so
now a "Resume" OSD message pops up.
+ The Navigation interfaces should work slightly faster, especially
in situations where more complex navigation skins are used (skins
with large transparency effects).
+ When setting the navigation interface's line count, the Equalizer
and Color Control interfaces ignore a value of "-2" as they are
only 3 lines to begin with.
+ The Frame Capture Alt+"F" (screenshot) function should now work
in all video renderers except Overlay Mixer, VMR9 Renderless
(VMR9 Windowed and Windowless should work) and EVR.
+ The archive configuration now allows you to specify dynamic system
paths. For example:
"%programfiles%-Zipz.exe" x "%n" "-o%p"
Instead of :
"C:\Program Files-Zipz.exe" x "%n" "-o%p"
The default values have been updated and you can use the new
default button to set them.
+ The ".iso" and ".img" extensions have been moved from the executable
extension list into the archive extension list. With the latest
version of 7-Zip (www.7-zip.org) installed, you can now extract
and play CD/DVD images directly from within Zoom Player. Make sure
to press the default buttons (Adv. Options / System / File Extensions).
+ The Main Navigation interface should appear much quicker now,
especially when accessed while a video is playing.
+ The "/X", "/Y", "/W" and "/H" command line parameters now
function even if Zoom Player is already running, allowing
you to re-position & size the main user interface window
from the command line (previously, these parameters only
worked when initially running Zoom Player).
+ The Media Library and File Browser navigation functions have been
re-ordered for increased usability.
+ The File Association options dialog has been restructured
for additional clarity.
+ You can now specify a +6,+8 or +10 values for the navigation
interface line count.
+ Function descriptions have changed to make them easier to Read,
Understand and Search.
+ The Girder Exported commands are now sorted and split into
categories, making it easier to program remote devices
and home automation systems.
+ Mouse left click while holding the Alt key now zooms in 10%
instead of 50% (which wasn't as useful).
+ The Alt+"S" keyboard macro that shows the subtitle filter configuration
dialog can now be used without any media playing.
+ Ctrl+"C" now enables/disables closed captioning when used by
media files (it was previously limited to DVDs).
+ You can now select a custom playlist font without having to
customize the playlist colors as well.
+ Synchronizing the Subtitles Ahead/Back is now done in 100ms
increments (instead of the previous 25ms).
+ The Mouse Wheel "function-cycle" function and the Mouse Wheel
Function navigation interfaces now list the custom function as
the actual function name instead of "Custom".
+ The AB-Repeat function (Alt+"R") used to loop a specific section of
audio/video will now highlight the timeline to indicate the looping
section (only on the default and newer skins).
+ When using the File Browsing and Media Library navigation interfaces, the
Copy & Paste functions will now show an OSD message while moving files and
a success/fail OSD message when the file operation completes.
+ The File Browser and Media Library navigation interfaces will now
display the file's icon when using the function pane.
+ If no navigation interfaces are enabled through the options dialog,
the main navigation interface will no longer be accessible.
+ The DVD Fast Forward and Rewind rate now support two more values:
"8/16/32" and "12/24/48".
+ Opening "mms://" addresses should now work a little better.
+ When opening the player with secondary windows open (playlist editor,
equalizer, etc...) the keyboard focus did not remain on the main window.
+ Several items on the right-click menu have been renamed for clarity.
+ The "Add Chapter" function's keyboard macro has been changed from "C" to
+ Real-Time Frame rate reporting on the information dialog should now work
with Custom Video Renderers as long as they support the IQualProp interface.
+ The "1600,1601 and 1703" Audio Track CommAPI commands are now accessible
for media files (no longer limited to DVDs).
+ The "1700,1701,1703 and 1704" Subtitle CommAPI commands are now accessible
for media files (no longer limited to DVDs).
+ Updated description of video renderers.
+ When opening the options dialog on a monitor with resolution too low
to display the entire dialog, the dialog will now cover more of the
screen area.
+ Enabling/Disabling the DVD & Media Background images has moved to
"Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display"
Fixes :
- A bug in the archive extracting code could cause extracted
archive to extract in the wrong directory under some conditions.
- When random play was enabled and only one file was playing,
the "On Play Complete" event was called if the same file was
opened twice.
- The external command to "Enqueue/Play with" Zoom Player has been
moved to a shell extension under Windows 2000/XP/Vista, making it
faster and more reliable.
- Playing the next/previous file in the directory, or using similar
functions such as playing the next/previous file of the same type
in the directory didn't work with UNC paths (network paths).
- When extracting and playing the content of an archive file, the
first file in the archive would be loaded twice in succession.
- Some M3U playlist files wouldn't load properly if the files within
contained ANSI characters which conflicted with UTF8 decoding.
- Setting a custom aspect ratio with a "0" value could cause
Zoom Player to crash with an invalid division by zero error.
- A sorting glitch was fixed in the file browser and media library
navigation interfaces where the "Go to previous directory" option
appeared at the bottom of the file list instead of at the top.
- Deleting entries from the Chapter Browser navigation interface no
longer causes a "Divide by Zero" error in some cases.
- Having both "Auto-Size User Interface to maintain Video Aspect Ratio"
and "Prevent moving the user interface off the primary monitor" enabled
could cause a freeze when using the Alt+"4" or Alt+"5" functions to Zoom
the video window beyond the size of the monitor.
- When using the internal image decoder, Zoom Player can now detect
badly named image files (such as PNG files with JPG extension).
Supported mislabeled image formats include: BMP, JPG, PNG.
- Some MJPEG files may not have been detected properly by Smart Play.
- Fix for the Zoom Player Install Center where it wouldn't
recognize certain updates as up to date if they were
installed to a unicode file path.
- The Zoom Player registration key is now searched for in
both the Zoom Player directory and in the application data
- Pressing "Del" to erase the currently playing file with
other entries selected in the playlist would not remove the
erased file from the playlist.
- ID3/TAG display of unicode file name would show "???" if
the audio file had no ID3 data.
- ID3/TAG display of unicode file name would show "???" if
the audio file ID3 data containing unicode text and the
Windows country code was non-english.
- ID3/TAG display wouldn't always update when loading certain
audio file formats.
- When trying to select a DVD auto-execute software (Adv. Options /
Playback / DVD / DVD Tools), typing in the "New" field would not
enable the "Apply" button.
- The Skip to the next file in the playlist when an unplayable file is
encountered function no longer skips to the next file if the entire
playlist is unplayable. This fix prevents the playlist from looping
in error messages forever.
- Improved Network path support for paths starting with "//".
- The internal image decoder can now load images from network paths.
- Ejecting a drive while listening to streaming media could cause
playback to stop.
- Using the "," character as part of a chapter name would truncate
the chapter name.
- When specifying a transparent color for the Timeline, loading
a different skin that didn't contain timeline transparency would
not clear the transparent regions properly.
- Fixed a bug where applying a custom File Extension Association icon
would not always work properly.
- Failing to load a media file with a background image enabled could
cause the background image to display in an incorrect aspect ratio.
- The TV Pattern mode would incorrectly draw a red vertical line at
some resolutions.
- The background image and circle pattern would not respect the source
relative stretch feature when it was set to a specific monitor (the
stretch value was applied to all monitors).
- Cosmetic fix for the navigation scrollbar widget being slightly
inaccurate position wise.
- Under some conditions, the TCP port would not become accessible.
- File Association should now be working under Windows VISTA with
UAC mode enabled.
- The "Continue to the next item on the playlist when an invalid
file is played" didn't work when the file was missing rather than
- Using the play next file in the same directory should no longer flash
the media background images between files. This fix also makes the
images load faster.
- When the player was set to "Stay On Top", some options dialog sub-menus
would appear beneath the options dialog, making them inaccessible.
- When Stay On Top was enabled, some interfaces were appearing behind
the main user interface.
- Setting a Playlist Font/Color override would return to the skin values
when switching skin modes.
- When the player window would lose focus, the control bar
stopped auto-hiding.
- With some file formats, the playlist would not update the
total playlist duration properly.
- Enabling the "Show Time Seek Position Over Timeline" feature
would cause the Zoom Player window to become the top-most
window if the mouse cursor hovered over the timeline.
- Trying to open the Options dialog with the main window set
to "Stay on Top" and Zoom Player set to only show an icon on
the tray area would cause the options dialog to appear behind
the main window.
- Monitor Powerdown will no longer be disabled when playing
in windowed mode (Powerdown will only be disabled when
- Exporting Girder commands while using a local configuration file would
not use the correct window name, preventing the exported girder file
from working.
- More cases of unsupported hardware color control are now detected by the
color control navigational interface.
- Disabling the "'Del' key moves media files to the recycle bin (with
confirmation)" setting would erroneously disable the erase function from
working in the media library and file browsing navigation interfaces.
- Trying to play Audio-CDs through the file browsing navigation interface
would not play the file.
- Detaching the control bar would not snap its position to
the previously saved detached position under some conditions.
- With a detached Control Bar, it was possible for the mouse wheel
functions not to work if the control bar was moved.
- Trying to play streaming content while in DVD Mode would not
switch to media mode automatically and then fail to play.
- The Context Navigator did not use the scripting parameters
assigned to it correctly.
- The Contact Sheet creation form didn't allow you to select
the contact sheet color values.
- Some navigation interface titles could not be translated
into other languages.
- The "exSetMode" function would not switch modes properly
under some conditions.
- Switching between Media/DVD/Audio mode could result in
an Audio mode skin loaded in DVD mode.
- Switching between skin modes in the skin selection dialog would not update
the available skin lists properly between modes.
- Opening the skin selection dialog with a navigation interface visible
would not show the correct tint values (it showed the skin's tint
values rather than the navigation tint values).
- When Stay On Top was enabled, the seek-to hint window would appear
behind the main user interface window.
- The "Scrollbar Highlight" color for forced Playlist colors
was not being saved properly.
- If the internal screen saver got activated with the open
file dialog already open, it could cause Zoom Player to
become non-responsive.
- Navigation interfaces would not appear when using VISTA Aero and
having the blank secondary monitor feature enabled.
- Pressing Insert in the File Navigator with no files listed would
raise a List out of Bounds error.
- The File Navigator would forget the last active drive if you opened
and closed Zoom Player without opening the navigator.
- The "/F:[x]" and "/Z:[x]" parameters did not go Fullscreen on the right
monitor if Zoom Player was in window mode.
- Fixed a buffer overlow issue thanks to Luigi Auriemma.
- Fixed a number is not integer error with the uTorrent file tracker.
- The Zoom Player install center would not allow you to configure
filters if Zoom Player was installed in a unicode directly.
- Loading ".WPL" playlist containing network addresses should now
look for the files over the network rather than in a local path.
- The basic options dialog tree list wouldn't translate properly.
- Windows Media files that required a password to play would fail to
display the password prompt and fail to play.
- Switching the Navigation Interface color-tint through the skin
selection interface could cause a crash under certain circumstances.
- Playing a media file from one of the navigation interfaces no
longer shows the media background image before playing the file.
- Having the Control Bar Auto-Show and then having it Auto-Hide
if the distance is too big could cause the Control Bar to
remain on-screen under some circumstances.
- The Scene-Cut Jump and Mute Audio functions were not working correctly.
- Clicking on the Zoom Player tray icon while fullscreen on a secondary
monitor would cause the Zoom Player window to resize without drawing
the skin properly.
- Improved stability for DCoder's DVB filter's graph building.
- Ejecting a non-playing CD/DVD/USB device while a DVD is playing
would cause the DVD to stop.
- The Next/Previous chapter functions were not working properly in
the default DVD skin.
- On some non-standard resolution, the fullscreen navigation interface
would not cover the right-most pixel.
- Playing audio files with file extensions that could also be used for
video files (such as ".MP4") would have Zoom Player remember the
last media position for the audio file, even if remembering audio
file last position was disabled.
- Playing a Matroska file with External subtitles would not allow you
to cycle through the external subtitle tracks with Ctrl+"B".
- Having On Play Complete set to "Do Nothing" while having "Remember
Last Media Position" enabled would cause the video to rewind, even
though it should have paused on the last frame.
- CommAPI message 5130 (call navigation function) was not working.
- Under Windows VISTA, pressing Alt+Tab with some interfaces would
cause several buttons/checkboxes to disappear.
- Filter property pages will now appear on the same monitor as the
Zoom Player user interface.
- Several small cosmetic glitches fixed in the default skin.
- Cosmetic glitch fixed in the advanced playlist control (buttons could
- Several navigation interfaces were not showing unicode text correctly.