懂计算机(window internet explorer)的大侠请进

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 TXK
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我不知道碰了那个键(button),我的window internet explorer address bar on top (顶上的网址小窗口)消失了。我不能随便进入其他网址。谁能告诉我该怎么办才能恢复常用的view. 多谢了。
Can you still see the standard menu, ie File Edit View Favorites...?
If you can, go to View, and select Toolbars, and Address bar.
Can you still see the standard menu, ie File Edit View Favorites...?
If you can, go to View, and select Toolbars, and Address bar.
Yes, I selected View/Toolbars/Address bar, but nothing happened. There is only a word "Address" appeared on the top-right under the X. Any more suggestion? Thank you for a quick reply.
(or any other way to enter a specific website, e.g. hotmail.com?)
BTW,the history bar is usually located on the top below the status bar, but now it appears at the left side bar in a seprate window.
try to drag (enlarge) the "address" bar - make sure you unlock the Toolbars first. perhaps it's just because being squeezed too small...
right click the space at right side of "help" button, you will see the "address bar", it must unchecked. just select it you will be ok
try to drag (enlarge) the "address" bar - make sure you unlock the Toolbars first. perhaps it's just because being squeezed too small...

I believe that is highly the cause. :cool:

TXK: Let us know if it works or not.
try to drag (enlarge) the "address" bar - make sure you unlock the Toolbars first. perhaps it's just because being squeezed too small...
笑言, Following your instruction, I did reset the address bar, and get what I want. Thank 笑言,黄教授,和tmp123123 for the help, and have a good night. :cool:
笑言, Following your instruction, I did reset the address bar, and get what I want. Thank all of you for the help, and have a good night. :cool:

Remember next time, do not squeeze too hard. :)
This time squeeze too hard again, crowding out the stop and refresh buttons. :p
install chrome, ti is nice