Hello friends,I will move to Ottawa soon, but I have no much knowledge about this city? I try to look for an apartment, but I have no idea whcih area or neighborhood is better consideration. In fact I don't know where I can start...I am looking for a two-bedroom apartments . Non-furnished prefered. Safe, quiet, clean enviroment, good neighborhood, good elementary shcool (I have two shcool age little girls). Ideally close to (but not too close) for public services and facilities (post office, bus-stop, shopping mall, park, swimming pool, skating ...). No more than 40 minutes driving distance from parliment Hill!I have no idea about the rent cost in this city? I can consider a little bit higher rent cost than average, but not the too high! So which region is good choice?Anyone can respond to this or provide other useful information will be appreciated!Great thanks!