孙 孙小美 新手上路 注册 2002-06-18 消息 181 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-01-23 #1 申请担保老公移民,本以为是顺顺当当的事,谁知却 被打回来了,给了个含糊的解释,说是根据移民法的 规定,我老公不算a member of the family class. 我现在完全摸不到头脑了。移民局的咨询电话永远打 不通,跑到移民局去问,说不是他们办的不太清楚, 建议我继续打咨询电话。 请朋友们推荐可靠的移民顾问,能告诉我哪些资料不 全,哪个环节出了错,下一不该怎么办? 另外,也请有类似经验的朋友指点迷津。 万分感谢! :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
申请担保老公移民,本以为是顺顺当当的事,谁知却 被打回来了,给了个含糊的解释,说是根据移民法的 规定,我老公不算a member of the family class. 我现在完全摸不到头脑了。移民局的咨询电话永远打 不通,跑到移民局去问,说不是他们办的不太清楚, 建议我继续打咨询电话。 请朋友们推荐可靠的移民顾问,能告诉我哪些资料不 全,哪个环节出了错,下一不该怎么办? 另外,也请有类似经验的朋友指点迷津。 万分感谢! :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
A Anaconda 知名会员 VIP 注册 2002-03-15 消息 822 荣誉分数 46 声望点数 188 2003-01-23 #2 the reason is really wiered. r u sure you provided them that you and him are couple and you are applying for re-union immigrant? do not call them, send fax or register letter to ask.
the reason is really wiered. r u sure you provided them that you and him are couple and you are applying for re-union immigrant? do not call them, send fax or register letter to ask.