I just have 1 more question, I have to get visa for my husband too, and I was told to bring the marriage certificate, but I just have the temporary one right now, should be ok? And I guess may be I should make a copy of it in case they want to take it like with the plane tickets?
一年前的这个时候,买了机票准备回国过中秋。兴冲冲跑到机场Check In, 心高高地飞上了天,直到AC的LADY问我“Where's your Chinese Visa?"。。。那个天旋地转啊。。。
还好定到一个星期之后的票,签证也加急办了,中秋没赶上,国庆还好没错过。只是那个星期在单位逢人就得解释一通"Why I'm still here"。
一年前的这个时候,买了机票准备回国过中秋。兴冲冲跑到机场Check In, 心高高地飞上了天,直到AC的LADY问我“Where's your Chinese Visa?"。。。那个天旋地转啊。。。