

1. 报税之前,是不是只要把钱存入RRSP账号,等得到RRSP的单据后,就可以做为抵扣报税了。
2. 可不可以拥有多个RRSP账号在不同的财务公司。
3. 在一个公司的RRSP账号已买入MF,是不是在可以另一个公司的账号账号中买卖,目的是打算废止前一个账号了。
4. AGF公司如何,此前推荐的MF是 asset builder fund IV 940, 代号PRI940.不管现在如何,有谁对这个MF熟悉,前景如何。
在MF中,PRI940是怎样的,是好, 一般,好,很好。。。
5. 本人打算自己操作,经过接触,目前来说所谓的财富顾问为客户出谋划策首要的出发点是他们自己的利益。
6. 如果自己做,应该怎么做比较好,比如去哪开户,开户前首要需要考虑的因素是什么。
本人情况,有full-time 工作,不可能总盯市场,感觉也就是在MF上做些操作,而且是长期行为。不会做短线。
7. 怎么选择MF,那类MF适合我这类人的。选择MF,以什么为主要基准。
8. MF的获利是怎么实现的,是不是象股票一样,赚差价。对这方面没有清楚的概念。
Be careful with your RRSP. Do not put all into any mutual funds or stocks. Leave some in money market or GIC. If you do not want to risk, use most of your money in GIC or money market. Do not trust anyone who tells you s/he(agents) can help you make a lot of profit. If they really can, they will do it without you.
rrsp每年投入额度公司会给你张纸的,上面summarize你一年的投入,用那个保税.rrsp可以在不同的公司,完全没有问题,可以买股票,基金,存定期也可以.帐户之间,公司之间都可以转.AGF公司不算太大,各个银行有自己的mf,mf公司也有自己的mutual fund.

理财顾问有利有闭,他们有机会接触到不少信息,有时间去watch market 的走向,不过绝对不可能比你自己还了解你,如果你一窍不通,当然要理财顾问了,如果自己知道的话,可以给一部分给理财顾问,一部分直接自己整,有个advisor讨教讨教也不是不好,当然你是要付advisor commision的.选自己信德过的advisor最重要,比如经常给你点update的,在down market的时候会坚持问问你的feedback看看要不要调整的,熊市的时候,advisor的服务质量旧区别出来了.

mutual fund 自己干也是有管理费的,买卖一般有时间限制,一个月之内不能卖之类的,所以mf只能做中长线,5-10年, 1-2年要用的话还是定期来得好.

mf就是选哪个板块,比如加拿大觉得好的就买can equity,美国好的就买us equity, equity的risk大一点,bond,cash market risk低好多.

MF有好多选择,比搞单个stock的risk会小,你也不用花太多时间打里,说白了你也没法打里.哈哈,不归我们管.选mutual fund最主要就是看你的risk tolerence.看你能承受多大的风险(loss).

1. 报税之前,是不是只要把钱存入RRSP账号,等得到RRSP的单据后,就可以做为抵扣报税了。
Depends on how to contribute.
If you put in one-time lumpsum, you should get receipt from a bank immediately.
If you go thru a contribution plan, you will get your receipt from the mail.
Thats only your total contribution, you can choose how much from that contribution to report in your income tax that year and carry forward the remaining balance to future years.
2. 可不可以拥有多个RRSP账号在不同的财务公司。
Yes, this is very possible.
3. 在一个公司的RRSP账号已买入MF,是不是在可以另一个公司的账号账号中买卖,目的是打算废止前一个账号了。
Yes and no. Depends on some company. Some funds are transferrable and some funds are not. Check the original company.
4. AGF公司如何,此前推荐的MF是 asset builder fund IV 940, 代号PRI940.不管现在如何,有谁对这个MF熟悉,前景如何。
在MF中,PRI940是怎样的,是好, 一般,好,很好。。。
PRI940 is Primerica Asset Builder offer by Primerica Life Insurance.
According to Google Finance, the following link

5-yr return is 10.64% per year. Not bad. Since the fund is offer by Primerica Life Insurance, it is an IVIC, or segregated fund which means portion of principle is guaranteed, like GIC does.
5. 本人打算自己操作,经过接触,目前来说所谓的财富顾问为客户出谋划策首要的出发点是他们自己的利益。
Well, there are main stream financial advisor, like big insurance companies, banks. Also, there are not-well known like companies like Primerica or world finance Group. If you feeling you want ideas from all perspective. Consult 1 or 2 from main stream and 1 or 2 from non-main stream and see what did they say and compare.
This usually like a competition between main and non-main, so you can all hear the good about their company and also hear any no-good about other companies.
6. 如果自己做,应该怎么做比较好,比如去哪开户,开户前首要需要考虑的因素是什么。
本人情况,有full-time 工作,不可能总盯市场,感觉也就是在MF上做些操作,而且是长期行为。不会做短线。
if you don't have the time, and don't want to worry. Leave it to professionals.
7. 怎么选择MF,那类MF适合我这类人的。选择MF,以什么为主要基准。
MF is for long term, but also, depends on your risk tolerance. Select the risk level accordingly.
8. MF的获利是怎么实现的,是不是象股票一样,赚差价。对这方面没有清楚的概念。
Stocks are buying shares of 1 company. MF is buy 1 unit and 1 unit investe in 100s of companies. The MF unit price will rise and drop, you are making money based on the rising of the MF unit price.

Primerica Asset Builder IV (PRI940) - Google Finance

MF 是不是也有生命期,比如20,30年终止,如果你持续持有到它的结束,最终你把MF卖给谁那,谁会接手,是funders?

1. 专业人士不专业,我接触的几个,都是急于让你成为客户,直说好听的,几乎没有给予你什么专业的知识,比如买MF,一个return值就行了嘛,其它的东西很少能告你的,等你上贼船了,才知道有很多个扣在其中。但晚已。
2. 专业人士代表不同的金融机构,各人对比如MF有不同的代理方向.给你推荐的多数是对他们有利,比如提成.
3. 专业人士几乎不给你做足功课,这几天我在看MF,最少各种必要的指标你应该了解吧,想从他们那得到专业知识,难,难,不利与他们的怎么会说那.
5. 都要养家糊口,这谁都理解,但是作为专业人士,你要是总在忽悠,也许你会赚钱,但是你会让人对你们这类人产生反感,对你这行业产生不信任.作为客户,从我来说,你只要把我应该知道的信息告我,好的,坏的,风险是什么,盈利在哪,各种环节我都明白,没有隐含的小动作.你就是好的顾问,你还愁没有客户吗?!要先学做人,做好专业作业,这才能得到客户的信任和理解.

MF 是不是也有生命期,比如20,30年终止,如果你持续持有到它的结束,最终你把MF卖给谁那,谁会接手,是funders?

Well, the first question is quite hard to answer. mutual funds are suggested to do a monthly/biweekly contribution plan. So, don't need to invest at a lumpsum when market is down. Just keep the contribution plan.

You should have confidence when purchase the fund. Review the portfolio every year and see if need any adjustment. Say, you have another child, or you salary raised, or you just purchase a house.. that may affect your overall direction. This is your money, take control of it. I mean control if doesn't necessary mean you do the investment.

Usually there is no end for an MF, unless it is a targeted fund.
Like RBC has Targeted Education Fund
These funds has a target end date, which means in the very beginning, the fund is more aggressive and slowly move to a more steady investments when approaching to the target end date. Usually these funds are adjusted internally and you will know by reading their prospectous.

Say if you reached the target end date, then the units will usually become cash or invest in cash-like investment, very very low risk, so you can start withdraw money to fulfill your investment needs (eg. education fund is for child/grandchid to have post-secondary education)

1. 专业人士不专业,我接触的几个,都是急于让你成为客户,直说好听的,几乎没有给予你什么专业的知识,比如买MF,一个return值就行了嘛,其它的东西很少能告你的,等你上贼船了,才知道有很多个扣在其中。但晚已。
MF investment is not just buy low and sell high. Each fund company should have a simplified prospectus for investor to look at.
2. 专业人士代表不同的金融机构,各人对比如MF有不同的代理方向.给你推荐的多数是对他们有利,比如提成.
They live on commission, its very hard to control. So, ask around. Go to a bank, they don't have commission.
3. 专业人士几乎不给你做足功课,这几天我在看MF,最少各种必要的指标你应该了解吧,想从他们那得到专业知识,难,难,不利与他们的怎么会说那.
Not a lot of people has the patient to listen to all the indicators. If you would like to know more, you should ask your advisor to explain more. Do not expect them to start explaining everything to you in during the meetings. If they refuse or confuse on these, just change company/ advisor cause they violated their code of ethic. We, as MF licensed are there to advise, not to sell.
If they don't understand your question, switch advisor. Say bye bye cause they are not professionals.
5. 都要养家糊口,这谁都理解,但是作为专业人士,你要是总在忽悠,也许你会赚钱,但是你会让人对你们这类人产生反感,对你这行业产生不信任.作为客户,从我来说,你只要把我应该知道的信息告我,好的,坏的,风险是什么,盈利在哪,各种环节我都明白,没有隐含的小动作.你就是好的顾问,你还愁没有客户吗?!要先学做人,做好专业作业,这才能得到客户的信任和理解.
You know why a lot of people hate insurance agent because a lot of policy outside is wrong. It is too late when the beneficiaries need the money and found out there is not enough or wrong kind of insurance. Same thing with MF, you must know what do you want, ask the right people many times.

Say a few words in general investing.
If your risk are very low, can't see money lose. Put them in any high rate saving account like ING but you are risking of losing purchasing power.
If your risk is low and can toleranate a small fluncuation. Put them in money market MF, or bond MF, or Canadian Mortgage MF...etc
If your risk is medium and can toleranate higher fluncucation. Put your money in Balance Fund type of MF
If your risk is higher, you can put your money in Equity Fund like MF.
If your risk is medium and want growth, but gurantee(portion) of principle, invest in Segregated funds, or IVIC. Your PRI940 is this type of fund.
You can do any of the above all by yourself except Segregated Fund. Since Segregated fund only available thru insurance agent.

MF 是不是也有生命期,比如20,30年终止,如果你持续持有到它的结束,最终你把MF卖给谁那,谁会接手,是funders?

mutual fund买了就要stick with your original plan,不要轻易的改来改去,如果选的mutual fund和你自己的risk tolerence level是匹配的,那对你来说这个就是对你最合适的plan,每个人心里承受力不一样的,前面四五年market好的时候,没人叫的,大不了就是5% return和10%的区别,今年投资者诉苦不断,就是因为有的人跌10%就不行了,有的人跌30%都无所谓,也不担心。因人而异,不要太贪婪。


"最了解自己的,照顾自己的,还是本人" --:cool:
Say a few words in general investing.
If your risk are very low, can't see money lose. Put them in any high rate saving account like ING but you are risking of losing purchasing power.
If your risk is low and can toleranate a small fluncuation. Put them in money market MF, or bond MF, or Canadian Mortgage MF...etc
If your risk is medium and can toleranate higher fluncucation. Put your money in Balance Fund type of MF
If your risk is higher, you can put your money in Equity Fund like MF.
If your risk is medium and want growth, but gurantee(portion) of principle, invest in Segregated funds, or IVIC. Your PRI940 is this type of fund.
You can do any of the above all by yourself except Segregated Fund. Since Segregated fund only available thru insurance agent.

Can you explain a bit on segregated fund? Thanks.