If you don't have enough breast milk, try to get 液体奶 from 医院 to satisfy your baby, as long as you keep your baby suck your breast before you give him or her 液体奶 that would be fine.
My wife did the breast and bottle mixed in the first week and she is now a pure "NAI NIU"
孩子就是用医院的diaper and wipes,也不用穿衣服,就是用receiving blanket一包,医院都有的。孩子就睡在我旁边。没出院那会儿护士就让孩子猛吸我的奶,没给什么水奶吃,说小孩子都能坚持个三两天直到妈妈涨奶。越吸妈妈的奶来的越快。我是回到家因为来奶来得慢宝宝坚持不住了才开始用奶粉,只吃了两天奶粉就有母乳了。