location: 201 Bell st.N Apt.1221
离OU, CU, rideau 什么地方都挺近的,因为它在ottawa 中心
1 living room, 1 bedroom, 1 washroom and a kitchin.
在12楼, has a wonderfull view on Ottawa downtown area
大概1-3分钟的走路时间到车站, 有85, 16路, 6路
Rent starting from January
If you are intrested, please contact me
my email address is dan789632145@hotmail.com
or you can call me (613)8848829
离OU, CU, rideau 什么地方都挺近的,因为它在ottawa 中心
1 living room, 1 bedroom, 1 washroom and a kitchin.
在12楼, has a wonderfull view on Ottawa downtown area
大概1-3分钟的走路时间到车站, 有85, 16路, 6路
Rent starting from January
If you are intrested, please contact me
my email address is dan789632145@hotmail.com
or you can call me (613)8848829