
你楼上那位大侠说的可能是这些G10 iso400的片片,也就是lx3iso800的水平。
60Hz Productions - Canon G10 vs Panasonic LX3
key word 是:
G10 Weaknesses:
Noise/Artifacts - While it seems to have been an improvement over previous models, it still stinks. I'd be hard pressed to use anything above ISO 400. Also, Canon's noise, while perhaps retaining more detail, seems to appear to have more of a white spot/dot/artifact look to it. Looks horrible. LX3's is comparable in terms of the amount, but it, I hate to say this... appears to be more like "film grain" than jagged, ugly noise (let the hate mail begin). One can only wonder whether Canon could have sacrificed detail/resolution (while very nice) and instead given us cleaner/crisper images. I think Canon could have hit a grand-slam if they would have combined what I feel is the perfect G-series body with the image/noise quality of even their earliest DSLR's like the D30
其实不算适马的DP1, 松下的LX3是现阶段消费级数码的机皇,单凭2.0的光圈和原生16:9 画幅就秒杀别的。