W wangyan 新手上路 注册 2007-06-28 消息 126 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2008-11-16 #1 今天在168和loblaw都找过,168没看到,loblaw有一种黄色的小颗粒,但写的corn什么的,觉得不是没敢买.各位妈妈知道哪里有吗?长什么样子或者英文叫什么? 先谢谢了.
V venture 新手上路 注册 2006-07-18 消息 65 荣誉分数 8 声望点数 18 2008-11-17 #6 I have bought two bags (each bag is 5 kg) from bestprice (Bai(3) Jia(1) ) at Healzeldean and CastleFrank in Kanata last Thursday. I think it is $13.5 a bag. It is originated from ShanXi province.
I have bought two bags (each bag is 5 kg) from bestprice (Bai(3) Jia(1) ) at Healzeldean and CastleFrank in Kanata last Thursday. I think it is $13.5 a bag. It is originated from ShanXi province.
五味 新手上路 注册 2005-08-12 消息 205 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2008-11-17 #9 我坐月子的时候买的是168的小米,小袋装的,一直吃到宝宝5个月大。后来奶奶过来探亲时吃过一次,她说我买的不是小黄米,而是粘黄米,越吃奶越不好。说是粘黄米颗粒比黄米大。我晕,当时哪里知道还有这一说。
V venture 新手上路 注册 2006-07-18 消息 65 荣誉分数 8 声望点数 18 2008-11-17 #10 Yes. The one I bought is this brand 绿原汾阳 but big bag in 5 kg. In fact not only I like it, but also my two sons 7 and 3 like it too. I cook it at least once a week for them, add a little bit of brown suger when they are ready too eat.
Yes. The one I bought is this brand 绿原汾阳 but big bag in 5 kg. In fact not only I like it, but also my two sons 7 and 3 like it too. I cook it at least once a week for them, add a little bit of brown suger when they are ready too eat.
西西妈 禁言 VIP 注册 2004-10-24 消息 10,066 荣誉分数 1,888 声望点数 373 2008-11-17 #11 我在168买到过一次‘大黄粘米’以为一直都会有,所以没有动囤的念头,等吃完了就再没找到了,还没来得及试用它做黏糕。