天使为谁落人间 封禁用户 注册 2002-09-16 消息 1,845 荣誉分数 7 声望点数 0 2008-11-25 #1 手上有闲钱想买房子,但是信用很不好,不知道能不能做贷款?(最多50000加元)以前听说只要DOWNPAY超过50%好像不怎么看信用度的。 另外自己有固定工作,年薪4W多点
挺傻 Moderator 管理成员 VIP 注册 2002-04-16 消息 7,217 荣誉分数 1,637 声望点数 393 2008-11-25 #3 如果你没有特别恶性的破坏信用的事件发生(比如被讨债公司讨债还一直没还),只要你按时付各种账单,信用卡不超过额度,半年以后信用记录就会变好一些的。 如果你贷款额度很小的话,去试试应该很有机会。
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,497 荣誉分数 37,513 声望点数 1,393 2008-11-25 #4 LZ曾说可以支付20-30万首付,贷款5万,绝对没有问题。 看来,维护在这里的信用,十分重要。
D dkwan 资深人士 注册 2004-06-07 消息 4,419 荣誉分数 398 声望点数 243 2008-11-26 #5 If you have $500, put it in GIC as a colletral for your loan. Repay the loan in 6-12 months and you will have a good credit in your report. Plus, if you have a large cash downpayment for your investment. You should be ok to get it.
If you have $500, put it in GIC as a colletral for your loan. Repay the loan in 6-12 months and you will have a good credit in your report. Plus, if you have a large cash downpayment for your investment. You should be ok to get it.