Dec. 6 and Dec. 7, 如果你在Shoppers 买20 刀就能得5000点points。5000 points 也就相当与$10.
等你注册好了再把你的连接发给其他人. 如果他们那两天在SHOPPERS花了$20, 你也可以有BONUS POINTS.
以上的链接没有多伦多和渥太华的区分, 不要被某些小人给骗了:flaming:
You have been invited to an exclusive online points event. By registering through the link below, you will receive 5,000 Shoppers Optimum Bonus Points® if you shop on Saturday, December 6 or Sunday, December 7 and spend $20 or more*. PLUS - for every friend invited, you could earn additional points up to a maximum of 55,000 points. That’s a $100 reward!**
Dec. 6 and Dec. 7, 如果你在Shoppers 买20 刀就能得5000点points。5000 points 也就相当与$10.
等你注册好了再把你的连接发给其他人. 如果他们那两天在SHOPPERS花了$20, 你也可以有BONUS POINTS.
以上的链接没有多伦多和渥太华的区分, 不要被某些小人给骗了:flaming:
You have been invited to an exclusive online points event. By registering through the link below, you will receive 5,000 Shoppers Optimum Bonus Points® if you shop on Saturday, December 6 or Sunday, December 7 and spend $20 or more*. PLUS - for every friend invited, you could earn additional points up to a maximum of 55,000 points. That’s a $100 reward!**