

三张卡,一张刷了2300,另外两张都刷了5500。虽然都没有爆卡,但是因为没有工作所以每个月都是交最低还款。最近银行给了我一个LINE OF CERDIT,利息比较低。想请教论坛里的理财高手能不能帮我想想怎么调整比较好。我是想用LINE OF CERDIT交一部分VISA,把VISA的利息降下来,但是不会算啊!大家帮帮我吧!现在每个月光交利息就差不多要300了。先谢谢大家了!!
If the limit of your line of credit can cover all your credit card debts, then pay off your credit card debts as soon as you can.

For line of credit, you can also pay interest only.
If the limit of your line of credit can cover all your credit card debts, then pay off your credit card debts as soon as you can.

For line of credit, you can also pay interest only.

If the funds from your line of credit cannot cover all the debts, pay off one account first because even if only one cent left in an accout you'd have to pay interest on the full amount.
Personally, 1 credit card with high credit limit (3000-5000) should be enough.
or 2 combine to reach that amount.

So, if you have a LoC, paid off the in the order of amount. ie. 5500, 5500, 2300.

Cover as much as possible with your LoC, then pay interest only on LoC. and the rest of the money goes to the credit card with least amount.

Here is an example:
#1 5500
#2 5500
#3 2300
LoC 10000 (assume 8%)

Current situation:
Minimum credit card payment: 400
Minimum LoC payment: 0 ( since you haven't use )

My suggestion:
Use $10000 to pay #1, and $4500 to #2

Minimum credit card payment: 99 (originally 400, saved 301)
Minimum loc payment: 70 (originally 0, extra 70)
Money saved: 231

Use your money saved, pay extra $231 to pay #2 (after minimum payment) and will pay off in 5 months.

After 5 months:
Credit card balance: #1 0, #2 0, #3 2200
Minimum credit card payment: 66
Minimum LoC payment: 70
Money available: 264
Pay everything you saved, extra $264 to #3 and will pay off in 8 months.

After 8 months, you will have only LoC left.
If you pay $400 to LoC (include interest), you can pay off in 25 months.

Total time needs to take: 3 years and 2 months.
If you don't take my approach, you will pay off all credit cards in 25 years.

Hope that helps.
We all learn things the hard way sometimes.

Our misjudgement or mistakes can turn into a good thing only if we indeed learn from our experience.
申 请 破 产 .别 费 心 了 .
申 请 破 产 .别 费 心 了 .


你这个都是怎么花的啊? 好像中国人这种花钱方式的很少见。
申 请 破 产 .别 费 心 了 .
RBC VISA和 CANADIANTIRE MASTERCARD经常会寄1.99%利息的支票 你可以把高利息欠款转到这些卡里 至少可以顶半年 半年过了通常都会再收到新的支票 至少我当初是这样的