

我手上有$100,000.00 请问我是付morgatge呢? 还是用来购买小孩教育基金, 或者养老基金(RSP)? 还是投资别的股票,基金等?
我的mogtgage $150,000.00,6.65%, 明年11月到期. 我从来没有买过小孩教育基金或者养老基金(RSP).
另外, 我的mortgage有什么别的好办法转到别的银行?
You have 100,000 but it is quite difficult to evaluate because we don't know your age, current income level and tax bracket but here is my considerations anyhow:

1) Top your $5000 Tax Free Saving Account for sure.
2) Top your child(ren)'s RESP because you will get 20% from government right away ( there is a limit depends on age of child(ren) )
3) Slowly pour money into non-registered mutual fund investments, say $100-200 biweekly because market is still searching for bottom but you don't want to put $10000 all in one shot.
4) Don't put too much money is RSP because your $100k is already after tax dollar and you don't want to put your after tax dollar back into the tax system again. Contribute into RSP using your employment income only since employment income are consider before tax income.
5) Risk some money into other investments. I will say max $5000, just to try out something new because you sound like never invest in Canada.
6) Mortgage, untouch, or if you want, switch to another lower interest rate bank. A lot of banks offerring 4.99% fix for 5 years. Don't know if its worthwhile to break your current mortgage.

That's all for now. That's only my personal opinion and good luck.
If I were you, I would pay the mortgage off first. Your rate is high. Right now it is hard to get return 6.65% from any investment. If you need money
to invest in another property in the future, you can remortgage your current house and take your money out.
If you buy RESP, try to use GIC with a rate 4.3% from BMO. Plus 20% from government it is pretty good return. I would avoid mutual funds now.

我手上有$100,000.00 请问我是付morgatge呢? 还是用来购买小孩教育基金, 或者养老基金(RSP)? 还是投资别的股票,基金等?
我的mogtgage $150,000.00,6.65%, 明年11月到期. 我从来没有买过小孩教育基金或者养老基金(RSP).
另外, 我的mortgage有什么别的好办法转到别的银行?
I personally won't pay off the mortgage using the money and it's like putting all money in a basket.
You can't eat a house when you retired, you paid off the house doesn't mean you will have money when you retired. The house cannot remortgage when you retired and have no income. Then you are stuck. Cash is our best friend, not the house.
Althought you can save up some money when the mortgage principle reduced, but by just saving up the princple won't help you in the big picture. Most individuals must do some sort of investment in order to have their money grows.
Invest in mutual fund might not good for everyone, but many people are taking advantage of the extremely low price.
The problem is that you may never lose if you put your money into your house. Any other investment may bring you some big loss sooner or later. Like now, most people are burnt with their RRSP or RESP investment. They may never recover their loss if they are not lucky.

I personally won't pay off the mortgage using the money and it's like putting all money in a basket.
You can't eat a house when you retired, you paid off the house doesn't mean you will have money when you retired. The house cannot remortgage when you retired and have no income. Then you are stuck. Cash is our best friend, not the house.
Althought you can save up some money when the mortgage principle reduced, but by just saving up the princple won't help you in the big picture. Most individuals must do some sort of investment in order to have their money grows.
Invest in mutual fund might not good for everyone, but many people are taking advantage of the extremely low price.
1. top up the Tax Saving Account up to $5000/person. (which is officially available on Jan 2, 2009)
- the gain/profit is not subject to taxation.

2. top up RESP for your child(ren).
- get the governement money when you contribute to RESP. Why not?

3. pay off your mortgage, and get a secured line of credit up to 80% of the fair market value of your home
- you will save the mortgage interest.
- the secured line of credit is the same as home equity line of credit, which uses your home to back your loan.
- the mortgage insurance is not required if the loan is less than 80% market value of your home
- if you don't borrow from the LOC, you need not to pay interest of the credit.
- if you want to invest in the future, borrow the money from the line of credit (LOC)to invest. It is becasue the interest you paid for the LOC is considered as an expense of your investment. If your investment has a positive return (or profit), you can deduct the LOC interest expense from the profit to determine the net profit. The net profit is subject to capital gain, dividend or interest income tax.

The above is based on the assumption that you live in Canada. As usual, ask your accountant for taxation details.
The problem is that you may never lose if you put your money into your house. Any other investment may bring you some big loss sooner or later. Like now, most people are burnt with their RRSP or RESP investment. They may never recover their loss if they are not lucky.
Well, investment doesn't mean you have to be in mutual fund or stock. GIC is a good vehicle for many people although they lose money in the long run with the inflation.
Normally mortgage rate is higher than GIC. Why do you buy GIC instead of mortgage? If variable rate is used, a sudden high inflation(not unlikely) can easily ruin everything of your life. You will not worry about it if the mortgage is paid off.

Well, investment doesn't mean you have to be in mutual fund or stock. GIC is a good vehicle for many people although they lose money in the long run with the inflation.
Tax Saving Account is available in most banks now(not tax free for Dec). CIBC pays 5% interest. It is a good deal. I do not know the offers of other banks.

1. top up the Tax Saving Account up to $5000/person. (which is officially available on Jan 2, 2009)
- the gain/profit is not subject to taxation.

2. top up RESP for your child(ren).
- get the governement money when you contribute to RESP. Why not?

3. pay off your mortgage, and get a secured line of credit up to 80% of the fair market value of your home
- you will save the mortgage interest.
- the secured line of credit is the same as home equity line of credit, which uses your home to back your loan.
- the mortgage insurance is not required if the loan is less than 80% market value of your home
- if you don't borrow from the LOC, you need not to pay interest of the credit.
- if you want to invest in the future, borrow the money from the line of credit (LOC)to invest. It is becasue the interest you paid for the LOC is considered as an expense of your investment. If your investment has a positive return (or profit), you can deduct the LOC interest expense from the profit to determine the net profit. The net profit is subject to capital gain, dividend or interest income tax.

The above is based on the assumption that you live in Canada. As usual, ask your accountant for taxation details.
There are different vision here.
Paying down the mortgage now is a short term planning.
Build assets other than house is a more long term thinking.
Depends on your horizon and decide.
我一开始还纳闷,怎么blueday自问自答。,结果发现是blueday和blueray。 haha
大家对你情况都不了解,给点建议也无从说起,和你年龄,以后的打算,个人risk tolerence都太有关系。 可以多听听大家的讲解,去银行、公司找些advisor问问,多听听总不会错的。到头来还得自己绝对,自己总是对自己钱最负责的。
For RESP, you can pay previous years since your Kids came Canada.
eg. if your kids has been in Canada for 3 years, and you have never buy RESP. then you can get 3 years grants from goverment now.
感谢各位的热心帮助, 我42岁, 家庭收入约60,000.00. RRSP 有大约14,000.00的额度. 父母来加带来些钱, 听说不用缴税, 正合计怎么使用这笔钱. 我也有意拿部份钱投资股市, 每月投资一些.直到股市反弹,不知两年内能否触底?
另外,不知现在钱存在加拿大的银行安全吗? 老人家老担心经济危机引发的银行破产.
关于破产的问题,我个人觉得吧,存哪里都有风险,在中国银行不也一样吗,这个担心绝对是多余的,由不得我们控制了。在股市里输光的几率我个人觉得比银行高好多。真的怕,我也就只能建议把钱装铁盒,埋在院子里。哈哈, 他们担心多了。