精华 一声叹息! 30分钟前被通知"裁"掉了. 大家能给我介绍怎样拿失业金吗 ? 谢谢好心人![请求]

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这就是我梦想中的加拿大??? 还不如回深圳呢 !

我的一个朋友更惨, 他太太怀孕快7个月了, 而这个马上要当爸爸的上个月却失业了...


1.我工作已经满一年了, 这样的情况可以拿多少失业金?(工资的 ? %).

2.我要怎样去 HRDC 办手续 ?

3.拿失业金期间, 必须住在加拿大吗 ? (国内有可能会有工作机会)


5.若去HRDC办手续, 那我在等多久后会收到失业金 ?



(我在这家公司可以停留到1月31号, 别人说这还算宽松的, 嗨!)
是哪家公司? 裁了多少人?
非常同情你的遭遇, 借着这个机会学点东西吧, 比如英语什么的, 生活就是这样, 别泄气.

1) 55%, at most 413 per week. how long depends on how many work hours you have, at most 50 weeks.
2) bring your record of employment (which you can get from your employeer within one week you stop work), SIN and last pay stub.
3) if you go back China, you should ask stop your EI, otherwise you will get fine if you are found.
4) you should claim fed tax as usual. when your total anunal income is more than 48000, you also need return your EI benefit when you claim your tax at the end the year.
5) waiting period use to be 2 weeks, but it seems change to 4 weeks now, coz the high unemployment rate.
Part of Life in Capitalism

I have had this kind of experience before. Do not feel ashamed of yourself!

Bring the Employment Record (should be provided to you through your previous HR department) to HRDC. You will then be presented the opportunity to meet with the HRDC personnel and similarly recently umemployed in a small group to explore how to fill forms, what to avoid, and what is considered dishonor etc. (Such as you should claim your any other income during your receiving EI even if you work part time).

Last, don't give up trying new opportunities here and there back in China!
谢谢JANE. 多谢了!

我在安省和魁省交界的一个小城市工作, E.E 专业,这里的公司是做工业电器配件的,现在所有生产线都停了.员工和资方谈过(是一个家族企业), 大家愿意减工资40%, 但老板还是无法继续维持了. 根本没有订单. 3个地点的厂房, 有一个已经卖掉了. 还有一个抵押给银行... 就是这样.

Lost your job? Find a job. Not that easy? Hi, you can do it!
Canada is hard, China is not that easy as well. Nobody or nothing in this world will meet anybody in half way. We have to do it all by our own. Keep your confidence, nothing is hard!
谢谢大家! 还有一个小问题请JANE帮我看一下.

请问JANE, 各位朋友:

若我2月份回国,等3月初回来,再去HRDC办理领失业金, 那是否会由于我晚去办理登记或因为我在中国一个月而扣掉4个星期的失业金 ?

若是, 我等到回到加拿大后, 再去办理, 是否不会被扣掉失业金 ?

谢谢大家帮忙, 在国内从来没有想过失业, 现在尝到滋味了.
High-tech workforce shrinks 7.33% since June: study
By Leo Valiquette, InBusiness Media Network

Ottawa-Hull's high-tech sector has lost 5,500 jobs since last June, according to a study released on Friday, as the region rides out the global economic downturn and the burst of the tech bubble last year.
The study, a joint effort between the Ottawa Business Journal and the Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation, found that there were 69,500 people employed in the high tech sector in December, 7.33 per cent less than the 75,000 reported last June. The figure stood at 79,000 at the beginning of 2001.

The results came from a telephone survey of 85 per cent of the region's 1,100 high tech companies.

OCRI said the results indicate a healthy local economy that is riding out the storm better than many other areas of the country due to its diverse mix of government, high tech and hospitality workers.

Last week Statistics Canada reported that the local unemployment rate continues to beat the national average, at only 6.8 per cent compared to eight per cent. In December the average edged down in Ottawa while it rose to a three-year high nationally.

By its own tally, Statscan said 3,800 high tech jobs were added to the local pool in December. In November 1,500 high tech jobs were created in Ottawa, the first gain in eight months. Statscan compiles its data by polls that weigh each respondent to represent 180 to 200 people.

Statscan's figures show the local high-tech workforce at 67,000 in December. It pegs the all time high at 82,000, reached in March 2000.

The region's total workforce stands at 577,000, according to Statscan.
There is a time limit for applying EI after lay off, 2 or 4 weeks, can't remember clearly. But do go to HR once you get the record of unemployment ASAP.
You can go back to China whenever you want. The only matter is you will not get EI during that time.
谢谢大家! 谢谢JANE, Z24
另外其实现在领EI还有一个好处,就是领完EI之后可以申请政府的无偿补助去上学的,是那种PROFESSIONAL TRAINNING.
Moving on is always good,

Learn something from the Indians, approach any opportunity with:
Blind Optimism,
Thick Skin,
Big Mouth,
and Some Knowledge...
别悲观. 你会好起来的. 失业是暂时的, 况且又不是你的错. 其实你的老板也很无奈, 他也很难. 经济不好, 谁的日子都不好过. 振作起来, 做自己该做的事! 每个善良的人都会为你祝福的!