

女儿18个月,这个月开始上DAYCARE,迄今第四周了,还是哭闹不止,最近几天更厉害到她爸爸抱也不让了,在家也是让我抱着。到了DAYCARE就一直哭。DAYCARE 的MANAGER 已经找我谈话,不行就只能换其他地方了。大家有什么好主意吗?
likely she feels insecured. you may want to talk to her at home, constantly, that you will come to pick her up at the end of the day. and very importantly, when you drop her off in the morning, do not linger, or hug her or show her that you feel sorry that you are leaving her there. she can sense it clearly, that you are sorry. you drop her off, say bye - you must say bye to her properly - then turn and go. not a fraction of eye lingering. hopefully saying bye to her properly in the morning and coming to pick her up later in the day will help her to make a clear connection that she is to be picked up by you at the end. do this yourself for a couple months, not by her father, since she shows him no trust.

when my daughter first went to daycare, i was told by the teacher that she might cry for sometime. she ended up crying for 4 hours the first day, 2hrs the next day, half hour on the third and the fourth day, she was fine.

another possibility is that you cuddle her or serve her whim too much at home, and she is not getting the same treatment at daycare. so she's not used to it and frustrated or even scared. you may try to treat her the similar way the daycare does. communicate with the daycare and see if you can identify any points you need to adjust you treatment of your daughter. it's only good for her in the long run you know.

good luck.
是的,现在我女儿就是明显的缺乏安全感的表现。可能因为在家随便惯了,一下子到了一个受拘束的环境不适应。再加上这个DAYCARE 人很多,10 个人一班,老师根本管不过来。因为去的时间短,我无法判断老师的好坏,但以前有人说过这个DAYCARE 不好的。不过,孩子哭的嗓子都哑了,还病了一场,我们还是决定请阿姨在家照看了。等再大点再送幼儿园吧!
the only thing about this approach is that she would know she can cry to get what she wants. kids are smarter than you can ever imagine, even at very young age. it's a constant tug-of-war at your brain power.

my kids are 14 and 10 now, still doing the same things. have to stand the ground all the time. and i always remind myself to give them what they wish when they are not crying, definitely avoid granting their wishes while they are crying / being cross.