sun life

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Sun Life’s very strong capital position
Sun Life has a robust, diversified balance sheet and a very sophisticated approach to risk management. These two very important financial pillars support our company’s overallstrength during these challenging economic times.
One measure business analysts in Canada use to help determine the strength of a company is the Minimum Continuing Capital and Surplus Requirements (MCCSR).This is the capital the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) requires us to have to provide further protection for our clients. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada holds capital exceeding regulatory minimums.
What makes us a strong, well-capitalized company?
To ensure we’re positioned to deliver on our long-term obligations to our clients, we have:
Best estimate value of policyholder benefits: We hold assets equal to our best estimate of the cost of our obligations based on claims experience, expenses, investment returns, taxes, policy lapses, etc. In most scenarios, that pays for the policyholder’s claim when it comes due.
Provisions for adverse deviations: We hold additional assets to cover situations different from expected factors; for example, if interest rates aren’t as high, if the claims experience is higher, or if equity markets perform more poorly than expected.
Capital: We hold capital in excess of amounts required to comply with OSFI requirements based on our reserves and investment assets.
Collectively, the best estimate value of policyholder benefits and the provisions for adverse deviations constitute our reserves.
Focusing on our clients
Our clients are looking for strong capitalization. They want protection and assurances that Sun Life is going to be there to support the policies they’ve purchased. These important building blocks have cemented our solid financial foundation:
capitalin excess of the regulatory requirements
additional capital from the CI Financial transaction
prudent risk management practices
a strong balance sheet.
Communicating the strength of stability of Sun Life to our clients is critical, and who is better able to complete that task successfully than you? When you clearly and factually explain to clients why Sun Life is a safe place to invest their money and buy insurance, you help investors and policyholders gain confidence in the financial products they hold with us. By using the PDF
Sun Life Financial Inc. 已經出售其37%的 CI Financial Income Fund 股權給 Scotiabank。23億加元的收購金額中有15.5億是用現金支付的。其餘金額則是用 Scotiabank 的普通股和優先股綜合支付的。


在这样的经济危机中,谁这样愚蠢的卖掉他们37%的CI 股權? 唯一的答案是Sun Life 需要现金!

如果你有额外的钱,投资于其他地方。 此外,Sun Life 管理费也较高。 My 2 cents!​
OJ, SLF把CI卖给Scoti还是赚了不少的,比CI的市场股值肯定要高不少。 愚蠢谈不上,可能slf真的是缺钱,也有可能slf要买别的公司,前几天报上看到slf想买一部分AIG,我们平民百姓在这里凭空谈,这些工作留给别人职业的人去干吧,我们大家在这里也都是瞎掰或。

管理费高是因为有load fee, 任何要advisor,broker的投资形式都会有load fee,不然他们不是白干活了。如果投资人知识很丰富,股场打拼多年了,当然就不需要advisor的帮忙,所以自己高高就好了,那如果投资一点不懂,别人当然需要有advisor帮忙。我有朋友自己在TDwaterhouse开户炒股的,也有朋友什么都不懂在EdwardJones需要agent代理炒股的。其实都一样,天下没有免费的午餐的,advisor的服务不是无偿的。

Only time can tell if Sunlife can recover from this economic crisis. If I have extra money, I go buy Scotiabank instead of Sunlife since Scotiabank got a good bargain from this deal. When the market bounces back, Scotiabank will benefit from this good bargain deal!
我记得我的 financial advisor 朋友說,"如果財政顧問是那能幹的話,他們也不會做 您的financial advisor了 , 賺您的commission fee or management fee。他們應該在享用著他們投資賺來的金錢,而不是做您的advisors。記住, 当他們判斷错误时, 您的儲蓄會損失的!
我记得我的 financial advisor 朋友說,"如果財政顧問是那能幹的話,他們也不會做 您的financial advisor了 , 賺您的commission fee or management fee。他們應該在享用著他們投資賺來的金錢,而不是做您的advisors。記住, 当他們判斷错误时, 您的儲蓄會損失的!

一点不错,这就是为什么当好多朋友在银行里有几个million的deposit,银行会提供private banking serivce to high net worth client.


一点不错,这就是为什么当好多朋友在银行里有几个million的deposit,银行会提供private banking serivce to high net worth client.



这不是比较。我的意思是"如果你想购买金融机构的股票, 我建议你們考虑Scotia Bank 的股票。好过买保险公司的股票、或者保险公司的投资保险、 或者保险公司的 Segregated fund (隔离基金)。

股票投资只要按照自己觉得一些好的标准,评估下来不错,对你来说应该就是不错的选择。用的标准不一样,结果会很不同。Seg fund当然就是多付MER买gaurantee咯,要低风险,当然要放弃回报的。BNS,TD,RY 我个人都觉得都还是不错的选择,相对来说CM和BMO情况差一点。