OTTAWA 的公共交通好吗?

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<HTML>NO. 1 in N. A.</HTML>
<HTML>No. 1 in NA may be correct, but compared with some big European cities, e.g. London and Paris, Ottawa's public transport is not that convenient. For example, in Kanata, some bus lines only work during the peak time. You may need a car after you come here, especially when you start working. Of course, catching the bus to go back home is always a good excuse when your boss imply you to work overtime.:)</HTML>
Come on! If there's 2 out of 10 which can be compared with London & Paris, I will be extremely h

RE: Come on! If there's 2 out of 10 which can be compared with London & Paris, I will be extreme

<HTML>You guys speak like a fog in a well.</HTML>
Me? Frog? Why?


<HTML>和乌干达比较, 渥太华那TMD的公共交通设施实在是一流的</HTML>
RE: 一流的公共交通

<HTML>Have you been 乌干达? I have lived 5 cities worldwide. I feel the OCTRANSPO is the best. Also, usually rich neighbourhoods have less buses. This is a general rule because the rich take bus rarely. So it is not supprised buses are not handy at Kanata.</HTML>

<HTML>哇, 很不简单啊, 差点给你你那丰富经历吓破胆了, 原来是已经住过五个城市的井底蛙, 真了不起呀, 怪不得你老兄见多识广, 失敬, 失敬, 就可惜OCTRANSPO没请你做宣传顾问, 他们真是不识货啦, 以后要是有空, 又不嫌弃我们白痴的话, 不知道能否多多指教我们这群就连家门口都没有踏出过半步, 智商也特低的乡巴佬, 好让我们也有这分荣幸跟着你老兄去做个能吹能撑的光棍也好呀, 哈哈</HTML>

<HTML>The trsport is not bad at least in my opinion, but some people are not very kind, such as the person above.</HTML>
RE: hmm

<HTML>Nick, nobody is kind but you and only YOU in the world, my honey sweetheart.</HTML>

<HTML>how much does it cost if you take bus daily to work?

I will go ottawa in July. I may work in Ottawa General Hospital (you guys may not familiar since you are all very healthy). Where to live?

How do you compare University of Ottawa with Queen's University?</HTML>
RE: thanks

<HTML>It seems it was a mistake to follow "Dead head"'s post. So this is not for you, "Dead head".

When I said the OCtraspo is best among other 5 cities, it means the buses run relatively accurate ( But I did wait a bus for a half hour in a blizzard, but I cannot complain this becuase of the teribble weather). The buses at other countries (except for our home country) I lived are also accurate. I am impressed with the bus routes, which go to some very small streets to serve riders. I take benifit from OCtraspo, so I just follow my heart to say some good words.

I don't like every part of Ottawa and Canada, but I have to say octraspo is doing a good job.

Be a fair judge, or at least try to when we comment something.

To the above poster: the cost is 2.25 (cash), 1.60(by bulk tickets at some stores) for two hours or 56/month.