Ottawa Midwife
原国内产科医生,现加省注册助产士, 门诊在The Midwifery Collective of Ottawa, Midwives 医院在 Montfort Hospital
怀孕了! 开心之余,如何找医生或助产士?OPTION:家庭医生,OB-GYN, 或助产士
选择助产士有什么好处?Association of Ontario Midwives | Benefits to Women Needing Obstetrical Care
1,CONTINUITY CARE and oncall 24-7,包括孕期检查(每次30 分钟的appiotment ,接生及产后6个星期内的新生儿及产妇的医疗保健。产后1,3,5家访,提供 新生儿护理,newborn screening test Ontario Newborn Screening Program - Home
母乳喂养的帮助及TIPS, 以下网址很有用
Newman Breastfeeding Clinic & Institute
2,INFORM CHIOCE,你有权利选择不做一些你认为没有必要的检查。
例如,HIV 测试, 如果你才查完不久,那就没有必要再查。。。。部分白人妇女选择不做prenatal genetic screening test, 相关信息请点以下网址Ontario Multiple Marker Screening Program
中文信息:Ontario Multiple Marker Screening Program
3,choice of birth place, 由于 国内都是提供医院接生, 似乎从来没想过在家里生baby 的好处。
Association of Ontario Midwives | UK Homebirth Statement
Homebirth Midwife Ontario Directory - A home is a place of residence or refuge - Homo Erectus Tools
Why choose a Homebirth
Tests and Procedures
The following is a list of the tests and procedures you may encounter during pregnancy and childbirth. You may come across them in your reading, discussions with your midwife, doctor, health professional, or childbirth educator. It is important to have an understanding of these tests and procedures, including when and why they might be used, as well as the risks and benefits of each. Please ensure that, over the course of your prenatal visits, you discuss them and any others of interest to you with your midwife.
怀孕了! 开心之余,如何找医生或助产士?OPTION:家庭医生,OB-GYN, 或助产士
选择助产士有什么好处?Association of Ontario Midwives | Benefits to Women Needing Obstetrical Care
1,CONTINUITY CARE and oncall 24-7,包括孕期检查(每次30 分钟的appiotment ,接生及产后6个星期内的新生儿及产妇的医疗保健。产后1,3,5家访,提供 新生儿护理,newborn screening test Ontario Newborn Screening Program - Home
母乳喂养的帮助及TIPS, 以下网址很有用
Newman Breastfeeding Clinic & Institute
2,INFORM CHIOCE,你有权利选择不做一些你认为没有必要的检查。
例如,HIV 测试, 如果你才查完不久,那就没有必要再查。。。。部分白人妇女选择不做prenatal genetic screening test, 相关信息请点以下网址Ontario Multiple Marker Screening Program
中文信息:Ontario Multiple Marker Screening Program
3,choice of birth place, 由于 国内都是提供医院接生, 似乎从来没想过在家里生baby 的好处。
Association of Ontario Midwives | UK Homebirth Statement
Homebirth Midwife Ontario Directory - A home is a place of residence or refuge - Homo Erectus Tools
Why choose a Homebirth
Tests and Procedures
The following is a list of the tests and procedures you may encounter during pregnancy and childbirth. You may come across them in your reading, discussions with your midwife, doctor, health professional, or childbirth educator. It is important to have an understanding of these tests and procedures, including when and why they might be used, as well as the risks and benefits of each. Please ensure that, over the course of your prenatal visits, you discuss them and any others of interest to you with your midwife.
- Pregnancy tests 恭喜你怀孕了
- Ultrasound scanning 第一次B 超一般在12 周左右(如果选择做IPS),下一次在18-20周,主要看BABY 的生长发育是否正常。一般不再做晚期的B 超检测,除非医疗指证。
- Amniocentesis and Chorionic villae sampling 如果IPS 结果POSTIVE的话,此测试是诊断测试,1-2% 的流产率。
- Blood tests: ie VDRL, rubella Group/RH, HIV, Hb and HCT Glucose, triple screen 常规检查
- Cultures: ie Herpes, Group B Strep : GBS通常在36 周左右做,如果结果阳性,一般在产程活跃期间或者羊水破膜后18小时内点滴抗生素。Midwives
- Non-Stress test 在晚期可以做,POSTDATE PREGNANCY 常做,IS PART OF BPP 测试
- Electronic fetal heart monitoring, Doppler 提供不同的方式听胎心音
- Induction or augmentation of labour 如果POSTDATE, 在COMMUNITY 和 HOSPITAL 的STANDARD,POLICY, 41+3 周开始没三天做一次BPP
- Intravenous infusions ,没有必要每一个孕妇在娩时都要打IV
- Artificial rupture of membranes , 人工破膜
- Epidural anesthesia, Demerol, Entonox, etc. 分娩镇痛的方式 , 还有很多自然方式
- Infant resuscitation techniques
- Vitamin K injection for the newborn
- Newborn eye prophylaxis