苦逼热狗 路边通讯社社长 VIP 注册 2002-10-12 消息 47,114 荣誉分数 2,376 声望点数 393 2009-01-20 #1 I think my tank is seeing another healer 我已经笑喷了
SpetsNaz Moderator 管理成员 注册 2003-02-08 消息 11,184 荣誉分数 9 声望点数 218 2009-01-20 #3 "This is going to sound dirty, but can one of your DPS respec?"... 非常dirty啊
炸酱面 京城膀爷帮大当家 VIP 注册 2008-04-13 消息 2,199 荣誉分数 175 声望点数 0 所在地 村里 2009-01-21 #4 帮忙翻译下,怎么看都没看出幽默来,估计我是没看懂
夜色 ヽ(`Д´)ノ VIP 注册 2003-03-01 消息 11,985 荣誉分数 97 声望点数 228 2009-01-21 #7 炸酱面 说: 帮忙翻译下,怎么看都没看出幽默来,估计我是没看懂 点击展开... 想给你解释, 但是觉得那样就没意思了 自己研究研究吧~
夜色 ヽ(`Д´)ノ VIP 注册 2003-03-01 消息 11,985 荣誉分数 97 声望点数 228 2009-01-21 #8 And this: A Steamy Romance Novel - Item - World of Warcraft A Steamy Romance Novel: Forbidden Love - Item - World of Warcraft gg blizz
And this: A Steamy Romance Novel - Item - World of Warcraft A Steamy Romance Novel: Forbidden Love - Item - World of Warcraft gg blizz
月下独酌 浪子 VIP 注册 2003-06-21 消息 32,130 荣誉分数 4,186 声望点数 373 2009-01-21 #9 Can he make you OOM? or do you fake it? v If your mana was full after every pull then it was already dull and boring. Try looking for a younger tank. He can make you go oom more often
Can he make you OOM? or do you fake it? v If your mana was full after every pull then it was already dull and boring. Try looking for a younger tank. He can make you go oom more often
炸酱面 京城膀爷帮大当家 VIP 注册 2008-04-13 消息 2,199 荣誉分数 175 声望点数 0 所在地 村里 2009-01-22 #11 看了4页看不下去了,这种怨念贴在NGACN上要被挂骷髅的