6 weeks pragnent and feeling terrible


i have been visiting this forum for a while. Seems a lot of people here are moms. Is there anyone who is in early pregnancy?

Here's my typical day: I would wake up in the 6:30am in the morning because the stomach really hurts. Even I am still sleepy and not feeling hungry at all, I have to eat something to fill up the stomach a bit. This will happen again every two or three hours. Sometimes, I might just throw up after i eat. Then I still have to eat something otherwise the stomach will hurt again.

I lost appetite on virtually everything. Meat will give me diarrhea. I stopped cooking for a while because it's too tiresome. I have been eating out two or three days every week, so i won't lose too much weight.

I can't tell my parents yet because it's too early ( supposedly I should tell them after 3 months, when the babe is a sure thing). Though my husband is pretty supportive, I feel that I am struggling with all this by myself. I couldn't image that I would suffer through this again for another babe.
Help HER -
正常吧.不用太着急. 怀孕对于某些女性来说,确实是很不舒服的一件事.我三十二周了现在,还不舒服呢.还会吐和恶心,头痛是天天有. 不过比早期好一点点了,起码可以做饭. 这里的餐馆实在不敢恭维.
thanks all for the support!

It's really comforting to know that people here are so supportive.

I work full time and sometime might have to work over time. During the work day, I normally come home around 6pm and because the pregnancy, I will be in bed around 8pm. I feel tired all the time so I try to work less and take more breaks during the week.

Just wondering if i should start doing exercise, that might help me feel better.

Tomorrow will be my first appointment with the family doctor. Hopefully she can help to answer some of my questions.

thank you again!
平常上班的时候, 最好上午下午都抽出10分钟,做做伸展运动. 晚上让LG陪着散步30分钟.

如果你的上司是个通情达理的人,可以告诉他/她你已经怀孕以及你现在的情况. 多数上司会减清你的工作负荷.

放轻松, 一切都会好起来的. 我LG的姐姐和你情况很象, 怀孕前3个月吐得可怜极了, 后面就好了. 宝宝很健康.
when should I let other people know that I am pregnant

i don't want to tell my parents about my current situation yet even they are pretty suspicious.

My mum told me long times ago that she won't take care of my children. but I can claim that the money i give to them(on monthly basis), to pretend it pays for babe sitting, so I can get some tax credit. It's disgusting.