Cineplex Entertainment 2008 Holiday Gift Pack Now $28.80


January 29 Update: This is still in stock for $28 and we think it would make a great add-on for a Valentine's Day gift -- you'll be able to have date nights with your loved one for less. While some of the lesser coupons may no longer be valid, the the bulk of the value in this gift pack is in the four admission tickets (valid until October 31, 2010). With movie admissions running about $13 apiece at the box office, four admissions for $28 is still a good deal.
January 11 Update: Price drop down to $28.80. Last year it was that price for just 2 days, this time it's supposed on end on January 16th so this might be the last of them.
December 23 Update: Great news, all -- The Cineplex Gift Pack can now be ordered from The Bay, ordered from Home Outfitters or ordered from Zellers -- and shipped to-store for free! Free, to-store shipping was previously not available on this item!
Originally Posted November 7: The Cineplex Entertainment Gift Pack has returned for the 2008 holiday season. This is always a popular item and it makes a fantastic gift. Here's what you get for $32:
  • 4 Cineplex admit one certificates
  • $10 off at all Hbc stores on a purchase more than $50, valid November 1, 2008 to January 31, 2009
  • $10 off at Chapters, Indigo and Coles stores on a purchase more than $50, valid October 31, 2008 to February 14, 2009
  • Save $5 when your purchase 15 music downloads on, valid November 1, 2008 to January 31, 2009
  • Buy one get one free Cineplex Big Screen Snax Microwave Popcorn, valid November 1, 2008 to January 31, 2009
  • Free Maltesers with purchase of large popcorn and drink, valid November 1, 2008 to January 31, 2009
  • 1,000’s of SCENE points to be won
  • Free regular soft drink with purchase of nachos, valid November 1, 2008 to January 31, 2009
  • Free regular popcorn, valid January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2009
The holiday gift packs has sold out pretty quickly in past years, so buy it sooner rather than later. In addition to Zellers, you can also get the gift pack at Home Outfitters or The Bay.

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