√ Personal identification 個人証明文件
√ Social Insurance Card 工人卡 / 社會保險號碼卡
√ 2007 Notice of assessment for income tax 2007年個人入息稅評估
√ 2008 CRA letter (Tax package) 2008年報稅通告書
√ T4, T4A, T4A(OAS), T4E, T4A(P), T5, T5007 入息收條
√ Rental receipts 租金收據
√ Donation receipts 捐款收據
√ Property tax receipts 房屋差餉收據
√ Tuition receipts (T2202) 學費收據 (T2202) √ Medical expenses receipts 醫療費收據
√ Child care expense receipts 兒童照顧收據 √ RRSP receipts 註冊退休儲蓄計劃收據
√ Bus monthly pass receipts 公車月票收據
√ Universal Child Care Benefit (RC62 slip) 子女優惠金收據 (RC62 slip) √ Children Fitness Expense receipts 子女運動費用收據
(If your spouse cannot come to the tax clinic in person, please bring the above documents and present your spouse’s authorization letter if you wish to complete the tax return on his/her behalf.) (如閣下之配偶不能親身前來報稅,請帶同其授權書授權閣下代其報稅及帶同有關文件)
Low income criteria 低收入人仕條件:
√ Single persons earning up to $30,000 单身人仕收入低於$30,000 √Couples earning up to $30,000 夫婦家庭收入低於$30,000 √ One adult with a child earning up to $30,000
(add $2,000 to income for each additional dependent) 每增加一个子女加$2,000
Individuals cannot participate in the clinic if they have ANY of the following: 如有以下收入之人仕不能享用本服務:
X Income over the above-noted income thresholds (收入超過以上限额) X More than $1,000 of interest income (利息收入超過$1,000) X Capital Gains (擁有资本增值收入)
X Rental Income (擁有租金收入)
X Business Income (擁有商業收入) X Self employed (自僱人仕) X Are doing a return for a deceased individual (為已故人仕)