Hi all,
[FONT=黑体]Our baby also got eczema when he was one week old. We used several type creams such as glaxal based cream, avennoe lotion and cream for baby dry skin also vacciline. It appears that glaxal based cream works very well but cannot totally prevent the rash. The rash always come back if we cover the baby too much. [/FONT]
[FONT=黑体]It gets worse after the baby got the first vaccasine shots two weeks ago. He got some fever and lots of rash appeared on his face and has spread to his neck. We also noticed that, in last two weeks, he is loosing hair and did not gain as much weight and height as before (Less than 0.5 lb and 0.5 cm in two weeks). The doctor prescriped a 1% hydrocortisone to use and will see the doctor next week. My questions are:[/FONT]
1. Can eczema cause hair loss?
2. Can cezema cause slow growth?
3. Can glaxal based cream cause hai loss?
4. Is 1% hydrocortisone safe for long-term?
5. Any other cream can be used?
Thanks in advance and really appreciate any answers and suggestions.