ottawacanadaottawa 知名会员 注册 2009-01-29 消息 25 荣誉分数 11 声望点数 113 2009-03-07 #1 甲,乙肝疫苗终身只需注射1次吗? 我儿子2岁时注射过甲,乙肝疫苗 (3针),现在8岁要回中国1个月。还需要注射甲,乙肝疫苗吗?
ottawacanadaottawa 知名会员 注册 2009-01-29 消息 25 荣誉分数 11 声望点数 113 2009-03-07 #3 Thanks. Do you know how long is the hepatitis A and B vaccine (for example Twinrix) good for after the shot? few months or few years?
Thanks. Do you know how long is the hepatitis A and B vaccine (for example Twinrix) good for after the shot? few months or few years?
wiiwii honey VIP 注册 2008-01-31 消息 25,252 荣誉分数 1,786 声望点数 373 所在地 崎玉县新座市 2009-03-07 #4 别听别人乱讲, 打过3针, 一辈子不用再打了, 你也可以去问问医生
YY... 资深人士 VIP 注册 2005-01-16 消息 2,119 荣誉分数 669 声望点数 273 2009-03-07 #5 那种疫苗应该是终生免疫的吧,我问过我儿子的医生,医生说是打过一次就不用再打了.你也可以再问问你孩子的医生.
P psw0000 新手上路 注册 2006-03-02 消息 507 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 0 2009-03-07 #6 甲肝的打一次就可以,乙肝不一定,有人打了3次都不会产生抗体,要重头打。就算产生抗体后,时间长了,抗体也会消失,这时候也要重头打3针。如果在还有抗体的时候,隔一段时候打个加强针,能刺激抗体的产生。
ottawacanadaottawa 知名会员 注册 2009-01-29 消息 25 荣誉分数 11 声望点数 113 2009-03-08 #7 Thank you all. I will check with my family doctor. It seems my son need to do a blood test to see if my son still has the 抗体.
Thank you all. I will check with my family doctor. It seems my son need to do a blood test to see if my son still has the 抗体.
P PanasonicVCR 知名会员 注册 2003-05-07 消息 733 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 128 2009-03-10 #8 check with doctor yes, you should check with doctor. we are preparing back china and doctor told me that JIA Gan is valid for 10 years. Not mention YI Gan since kid has 抗体 now. ottawacanadaottawa 说: Thank you all. I will check with my family doctor. It seems my son need to do a blood test to see if my son still has the 抗体. 点击展开...
check with doctor yes, you should check with doctor. we are preparing back china and doctor told me that JIA Gan is valid for 10 years. Not mention YI Gan since kid has 抗体 now. ottawacanadaottawa 说: Thank you all. I will check with my family doctor. It seems my son need to do a blood test to see if my son still has the 抗体. 点击展开...
wiki 新手上路 VIP 注册 2002-01-16 消息 6,037 荣誉分数 216 声望点数 0 2009-03-10 #9 wiiwii 说: 别听别人乱讲, 打过3针, 一辈子不用再打了, 你也可以去问问医生 点击展开... 我的医生说要打4针可以终身免疫,乙肝。甲肝好像没这么长。