Help! LAPTOP 感染Friday 13th病毒, 硬盘不能启动!!!


本人因不慎从新浪下载了带病毒的程序, 我的DELL INSPIRATION 1300 laptop 在13星期五丢失了硬盘MBR, 并且不能从恢复OS从reserved partition. 哪位大虾有 Antivius LIVE CD借我杀一下毒. 或告知哪里可以下载免费的LIVE CD,本人不胜感谢!

我GOOGLE了一些FREE LIVE CD/USB,下载使用后竟然都是DEMO版本, 白白浪费了不少时间. Any helps would be much appreciated.:o:o

Hiren's BootCD 9.7 (开机光盘镜像) ktyong123 2009-02-28 01:43
The files are not available on the page any more, can you kindly provide another link for me?

Much appreciated!:cool:
Thank all for useful helps!

Finally, I was able to solve the problem and recovered my Dell laptop as origin successfully. I would like to share my story with all others who might have the similar issues on Dell or HP laptops.

1) Build Hiren's Boot live CD as the link above indicated in another healthy computers.

2) Reboot the laptop by pressing F12 key and choose to boot from CD drive with Live CD just built. Just reminder, you are not able to active partition recovery function by press Ctrl-F11 due to damaged MBR in your hard disk

3) Choose mini-windows XP in the start-up interface, and then run Mount and find partition program to mount your NTFS drive as drive A. Then backup all used persona files from NTFS partition to USB drive. Please ensure not to miss any important files as the system will be refreshed as factory default later.

4) Reboot from Live CD again and choose Hiren's Boot from start-up menu. Then run any partition tools to re-partition the missing hidden partition starting from begining of disk. There should be three partitions in DELL laptop now.
1. Diag partion (Primary FAT 32, DOS). This partition is damaged and needed to be recreated by tools like partition magic pro. Then format and install DOS for this partition.
2. NTFS partition (Windows and users data)
3. Windows clone partition (Primay FAT32)

5) download Dell driver R133063 from link from DELL link, which is very important for the hidden partition. Then copy all unzipped files in root directory in hidden partition.

6) Download and build Dell DSR FIX LIVE CD from the link Inside the Dell PC Restore Partition. Then follow the instruction to restore DSR and fix MBR.

7) Restart the laptop and found the blue bar "" at the top screen then press control-F11 button to restore DELL default windows in minutes.

8) Restore all your personal data into NTFS partition.
