T thinkinenglish 知名会员 注册 2003-04-22 消息 185 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 128 2009-04-13 #1 渥太华有卖凉皮的吗?谁有作凉皮工具也可以,能借来一用,我可以自己做。谢谢。
lbq 知名会员 注册 2008-07-10 消息 5,732 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 198 2009-04-13 #3 用平盘在微波炉里也可以做,我怀孕的时候就这么做来吃的,洗好面的水搅匀,用大勺子舀到平盘里(别太满了),放到微波炉里加热五六分钟就差不多了,虽然没有用工具蒸的好,但是还可以,也能解解馋,呵呵
B benji 知名会员 注册 2005-10-18 消息 434 荣誉分数 10 声望点数 128 2009-04-13 #4 http://bbs.comefromchina.com/forum105/thread658004.html I always order 凉皮 from the above link.Taste great!. But she lives in Barrhaven. Hope it's not far from you.
http://bbs.comefromchina.com/forum105/thread658004.html I always order 凉皮 from the above link.Taste great!. But she lives in Barrhaven. Hope it's not far from you.
Y yxh 新手上路 注册 2005-09-13 消息 50 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2009-04-14 #6 新华中文学校, Saturday morning. But no Chinese school this coming weekend. Another way, call me please!I'll make it for you the coming Sunday. (613)878-5302
新华中文学校, Saturday morning. But no Chinese school this coming weekend. Another way, call me please!I'll make it for you the coming Sunday. (613)878-5302