My baby is 14+ months, too.
She has some formula in the morning ( ~120ml after wakeup), noon (~60ml after wakeup) and evening (~150ml before go to sleep).
If she don't like the food or she is full, she know push the bowl away or pull the bottle out from her month. I will try to feed her again and ask her if she is full? She will show some body sign to me if she has not full. So I don't be too much worried about her over-eaten. And everyone think my daughter very fit, not too slim or fat. But her height is >90% comparing other girls.
I have been encouraging her movement and jumping with a jumper. I think they are very important to a baby in this phrase. I don't like leave her in the front of TV, although she likes it very much. I am planning to not let her watching TV before 2 years old and only see TV or computer within 2 hours after between 2-6.
Just share my experience with you.
If you are really thinking your baby is over-eaten. I will reduce the solid food or snack, not formular since I believe formula has more balanced nutrition then one or another food.