绿色能源和绿色经济座谈会 - May 20



在座谈会期间, 你可以随意与国会议员,企业家,职业工程师,大学教授和专业人士交谈,并可增进交流,更新知识和扩大联系网络。

主讲人: 安省国会议员,MR。 Phil McNeely (MPP)
地点: Nepean Sailing Club, 3259 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario

(parking is free).
时间: 06:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m.
注册登记: Green Energy - Our Future - Eventbrite
或 联系 邵文钦 wenqin_shao@yahoo.ca (613-954-6125)
座谈会: 免费 。

Create a Leading Green Economy

(Green Energy and Green Economy Act)

The Ottawa Chapter of Professional Engineers Ontario is organizing a special workshop on “Green Energy- Our Future”. The event will provide a unique learning opportunities in HOW the Bill 150, Green Energy and Green Economy Act 2009 aims to build a green economy, foster growth in clean and renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar, hydro, biomass and biogas in Ontario, and how Ontario’s Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) would creative attractive energy generation opportunities for residential and commercial market. This will be followed by a panel discussion Q/A with experts and policy makers.

Our keynote speaker is Mr. Phil McNeely MPP(Ottawa-Orleans), P.Eng. Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure. Phil will give presentation on the Ontario Green Energy Act.

Mr. McNeely’s presentation will be followed by a ‘Panel Discussion with experts/advocate on green energy policies and technologies, including Q/A from the audience.

The panel includes:
· Mr. McNeely,
· Dr. Jason Zhang (University of Ottawa),
· Robert W. Triebe, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. (Thermal Energy International),

For updates, please check PEO Ottawa Chapter’s Upcoming Events:

Target Audience: Engineers, entrepreneurs, other professionals, students, public, community leaders, and the media.

Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2009.

Time: 06:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m.

Event Location: Nepean Sailing Club, 3259 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario
(parking is free).

Session Cost: Complementary/Free but registration is required.

Registration: http://oPEOgreenEnergy.eventbrite.com

Refreshment will be provided.

For more info you may contact:
Wenqin Shao P.Eng wenqin_shao@yahoo.ca (613-954-6125)


· 06:00 P.M. Registration, Refreshments and Networking

· 06:45 P.M Introduction to PEO Government Liaison Program (GLP)

· 07:00 P.M Phil McNeely P.Eng, MPP - Green Energy Act

· 07:45 PM Introduction of Panel Members

· 08:00 Panel Discussion

· 08:50 Wrap-UP/QA