
这个Community Centre离我的新家很近, 不过离我现在的家够远的.
西西妈住在附近吗? 你会去吗?我一定会去的. 还有别的妈妈会去吗?

这个很值得去. 下面是具体agenda. 我只列出英文的seminars, 可惜有些时间重叠的只能选一个了.

09:45 - 10:15 a) Spring Fun: An Introduction to Baby Sensory
10:15 - 10:45 a) Making your own baby food b) Saving the world one outfit at a time
10:45 - 11:15 a) And how are you doing? Bringing home baby : Managing individual and relationship changes and challenges
11:15 - 11:45 a) Off to a Healthy Start: Baby's growth & Development b) Finding Quality Home Child Care
11:45 - 12:15 a) Kindermusik Village Demo Class b) Babywearing and you
12:15 - 12:45 a) Talk by 2 - Learning to Communicate Starts from Day 1
12:45 - 13:15 a) Who Wants a million dollars smile : Dental Health for infants and toddlers b) Back to fitness : Baby Steps

10:00 -11:30免费供应茶点(timbits)和咖啡
Will the City offer the same Info Day in central or west Ottawa? Where can we find this info?