多谢意见!if i were you, i would pick fixed rate.
i am paying 1.5% closed variable rate (p- 0.75%) right now, and i am thinking to lock my rate (i.e., switch to fixed)...
1.5%, 太让我羡慕了! 当初选variable, 你真是有远见.
再多问一句, 所谓"lock rate", 是指switch to fixed的吗? 那fixed rate是按现在的posted fixed rate吗? 应该优点优惠吧.
BOC prodicted it's not likely to raise the key-rate until Q2'10. You don't have to switch your rate in a rush.
You're right. Prime and BOC's overnight are two different things, but it's rarely seen Prime not following BOC' step.Will the banks not raise their primary rate in this time period too? Theirs are different from the one of the central bank.
You're right. Prime and BOC's overnight are two different things, but it's rarely seen Prime not following BOC' step.
It's rarely seen the two rates out of sync, but we did see it happened twice recently. Commercial banks stole 2x 25 base-points in the last few months (other wise some of your guys would be paying a 0.8~1% Mortgage rate). What I can predict is, if BOC's overnight is lift in future, banks should give those 50 BP back to customers on the Prime Rate.
No, I checked 3 biggest commercial banks. Their Prime all stay @ 2.25% as of 9:11pm today.Canadian Banks hike the rate by 0.2% today. Read Metro of today.