

中国传统舞和民族舞博大精深, 丰富又多彩. 鉴于孩子和家长要求, 少年舞蹈班将在Kanata暑期开课. 由多年教学经验和表演经验的舞蹈老师执教. 老师擅长根据每个学生的程度和特点不同而进行辅导. 不仅教孩子们学舞蹈本身, 同时注重对舞蹈基本功的启蒙和表演表现力的提高, 增强自信心. 还让孩子在学中国舞的过程中对中国的文化有一定的了解. 少年学生在暑期班在 7 周内至少学会, 并学好一支可以表演的舞蹈. 课程加入中国舞蹈基本功的训练. 学生经过一定时期的训练, 会给以后学各种不同类型舞蹈带来益处. 更重要的是逐渐培养女孩子的自信和幽雅气质.

老师根据暑期班学生的学习情况, 再考虑秋季招生事宜.

时间: Every Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 8:30pm, from July 15th till Aug. 26th.

地点: Hall A, John G. Mlacak Centre
2500 Campeau Dr.
Kanata, ON K2K2W3

年龄: 10 岁上

联系: dance_chinese@yahoo.ca for 详细报名上课费用等事宜.
Youth Chinese Dance Summer Class

Youth Chinese Dance Summer Class teaches the art of Chinese dancing to the youths in Ottawa; to provide an opportunity to develop an artistic talent and to understand the Chinese culture through dance.
Dance is one of the essences of Chinese art forms through thousands of years. This ancient art manifests different periods of Chinese Cultures to feature folk customs, living lifestyles, and aesthetics views. Chinese dance is rich and has its numerous varieties. It includes the categories of classical, folk, as well as contemporary dances. There are 56 ethnic groups in China which contribute to diversified dance styles with different costumes and present their unique traditional features.
Through the summer dance classes, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of Chinese dance and will be trained to the level of performing one complete dance. The instruction of the class will gear towards the student’s interest and ability.
Time: 7:00 – 8:30pm every Wednesday
July 15th – August 26th 2009.

Venue: Hall A (Dance Studio with mirror, barre, wood floor)
John G. Mlacak Centre
2500 Campeau Dr.
Kanata, ON K2K2W3

Age: 10+ years old

Please contact dance_chinese@yahoo.ca for registration
我正在上这个老师的成人舞蹈课. 老师教得好, organized, 很有方法, 是一个因材施教的好老师 舞蹈也很新颖, 学起来有积极性

赞! :cool: