射手座牛宝宝 潇潇妈 VIP 注册 2009-04-14 消息 1,158 荣誉分数 140 声望点数 73 2009-06-16 #1 请问渥太华有做三维或者四维彩照的吗?看到国内都在做的。OHIP cover 吗? 谢谢!
番茄炒西红柿 ~宝宝家族之警察局 局长的秘书~ 管理成员 注册 2003-11-12 消息 1,534 荣誉分数 25 声望点数 178 2009-06-16 #2 据我所知,这里没有的,多伦多有。 OHIP 不 cover
R rosam 新手上路 注册 2008-12-31 消息 376 荣誉分数 14 声望点数 28 2009-06-16 #3 are you talking about 3D, they have it here, but its' not covered by OHIP.
射手座牛宝宝 潇潇妈 VIP 注册 2009-04-14 消息 1,158 荣誉分数 140 声望点数 73 2009-06-16 #4 Yes I am talking about 3D or 4D ultrasound. Any location in Ottawa? Is it covered by employer's private health care plan?
Yes I am talking about 3D or 4D ultrasound. Any location in Ottawa? Is it covered by employer's private health care plan?
PCbrother 新手上路 注册 2004-10-25 消息 784 荣誉分数 25 声望点数 0 2009-06-16 #5 射手座牛宝宝 说: Yes I am talking about 3D or 4D ultrasound. Any location in Ottawa? Is it covered by employer's private health care plan? 点击展开... Ottawa 139 Greenbank Rd, Suite #205, Greenbank Medical Center, Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 9A5 Phone: 613-726-1221, Fax: 613-726-1279, ottawa@ucbaby.ca 3D Ultrasound 4D Ultrasound Pregnancy Ultrasound
射手座牛宝宝 说: Yes I am talking about 3D or 4D ultrasound. Any location in Ottawa? Is it covered by employer's private health care plan? 点击展开... Ottawa 139 Greenbank Rd, Suite #205, Greenbank Medical Center, Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 9A5 Phone: 613-726-1221, Fax: 613-726-1279, ottawa@ucbaby.ca 3D Ultrasound 4D Ultrasound Pregnancy Ultrasound
射手座牛宝宝 潇潇妈 VIP 注册 2009-04-14 消息 1,158 荣誉分数 140 声望点数 73 2009-06-17 #6 PCbrother 说: Ottawa 139 Greenbank Rd, Suite #205, Greenbank Medical Center, Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 9A5 Phone: 613-726-1221, Fax: 613-726-1279, ottawa@ucbaby.ca 3D Ultrasound 4D Ultrasound Pregnancy Ultrasound 点击展开... That's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks much! :d
PCbrother 说: Ottawa 139 Greenbank Rd, Suite #205, Greenbank Medical Center, Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 9A5 Phone: 613-726-1221, Fax: 613-726-1279, ottawa@ucbaby.ca 3D Ultrasound 4D Ultrasound Pregnancy Ultrasound 点击展开... That's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks much! :d
then 百科落后秀才 VIP 注册 2003-08-12 消息 2,476 荣誉分数 93 声望点数 178 2009-06-17 #7 Another option for people close to Southkeys. Bank Ultrasound Centre ltd Bank Ultrasound Center Ltd. - Home Page
Another option for people close to Southkeys. Bank Ultrasound Centre ltd Bank Ultrasound Center Ltd. - Home Page