International Student Picnic & Scavenger Hunt - tons of fun

Moon Dog

The International Student Friendship Program invites you to the

Annual Scavenger Hunt and Potluck Picnic
in Brantwood Park, overlooking the Rideau River.

Friday June 19 at 6:00 p.m.
Rain date June 20

Scavenger hunt:
a game in which players try to acquire without buying specified items within a time limit!
(Merriam Webster Dictionary)
Or hunt for common, crazy or very silly objects and you could win a prize!

Come use your imagination!

Where: Meet at the University: at 5:45 in front of the bookstore at the
University Centre at the University of Ottawa
A group will be driving over to the park.

Meet at the park: Picnic in Brantwood Park

From St. Paul University on Main St. go south to the end of campus and turn left (east) on Clegg St.
The park is at the end of Clegg St. beside the Rideau River.

What to bring:

a cold dish of food to share with about 8 people.
(A potluck means that everyone brings some food to
share, so that we all enjoy an amazing meal of lots of
different food).

a friend or two = more fun!

Cost: NONE! except bring food to share! OR
$4.00 if you are not bringing food.
(If you are not bringing food please call before you come,
so we have an idea of how much food we need to bring.)

Reservations online at [URL=""][/URL]
or by calling 722-6589.