U UML 新手上路 注册 2003-02-04 消息 153 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-02-21 #1 I would like to play badminton in weekend. but I'm not a student in OU. anyone can bring me in? I can pay $2.
I would like to play badminton in weekend. but I'm not a student in OU. anyone can bring me in? I can pay $2.
hinchey 新手上路 注册 2002-09-13 消息 179 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2003-02-21 #2 I think you can just pay $2 at the door and go inside, don't need anyone to take you in.
U UML 新手上路 注册 2003-02-04 消息 153 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-02-21 #3 Thanks, but I heard it was $5 without a student take me
Sunnyboy 美女与野兽―*宇宙 骑士* 注册 2003-01-22 消息 6,695 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 146 2003-02-24 #4 最初由 UML 发布 Thanks, but I heard it was $5 without a student take me 点击展开... *_*
C_F 饿人谷政协常委 注册 2002-10-19 消息 2,931 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 146 2003-02-25 #5 你就去,看看有没有中国人,说一下,这点小忙很容易的哦。不清楚怎么收费,但是有人带你肯定要比自己去便宜。我周末有时候去打排球篮球,也许你会碰到我啊呵呵
hinchey 新手上路 注册 2002-09-13 消息 179 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2003-02-25 #6 最初由 UML 发布 Thanks, but I heard it was $5 without a student take me 点击展开... You are right, I just checked the brochure, it is $5 for non-student's guest. So,just let us know when you want to go there, I think everyone would like to help.
最初由 UML 发布 Thanks, but I heard it was $5 without a student take me 点击展开... You are right, I just checked the brochure, it is $5 for non-student's guest. So,just let us know when you want to go there, I think everyone would like to help.
U UML 新手上路 注册 2003-02-04 消息 153 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-03-03 #7 Thanks for you guys, I may ask help if I can not find a student card.
微丝 CFC亚太区首席巫婆 注册 2002-02-17 消息 2,442 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-03-14 #8 我一般每周日下午都去打,我可以带你进去,这样我也可以有个partner....hinchey 是指不上了,总迟到,还老歇着..
hinchey 新手上路 注册 2002-09-13 消息 179 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2003-03-15 #9 最初由 whisper 发布 我一般每周日下午都去打,我可以带你进去,这样我也可以有个partner....hinchey 是指不上了,总迟到,还老歇着.. "还老歇着.." Ok, I admit this...,but "总迟到", :flaming: :flaming: 点击展开...
最初由 whisper 发布 我一般每周日下午都去打,我可以带你进去,这样我也可以有个partner....hinchey 是指不上了,总迟到,还老歇着.. "还老歇着.." Ok, I admit this...,but "总迟到", :flaming: :flaming: 点击展开...