LZ你如果太累了, 现在就可以申请休假了.
1. Pregnancy Leave - 共17周,专给怀孕的准妈妈
Usually, the
earliest a pregnancy leave can begin is 17 weeks before the employee's due date. However, when an employee has a live birth more than 17 weeks before the due date, she will be able to begin her pregnancy leave on the date of the birth.
产假最早可在预产期前17周开始拿. 如果提前生了,可以从生产那天开始.
2. Parental Leave - 生母是35周(不拿Pregnancy Leave的话,如领养孩子,可休37周)
Birth mothers who take pregnancy leave are entitled to take up to 35 weeks of parental leave. All other new parents are entitled to take up to 37 weeks of parental leave.
孩子父亲也可以拿这个假, 只要两个人的假加起来不超过35周即可.
所以如果全部由母亲休假, 总假期一共是52周.
EI会付50周,首两周是所谓等待期,完全没有钱拿. 另外EI最多只付$447一周.
The basic benefit rate is 55% of your average insured earnings up to a yearly maximum insurable amount of $42,300. This means you can
receive a maximum payment of $447 per week.
11. Pregnancy and Parental Leave: Your Guide to the Employment Standards Act | Ministry of Labour
Employment Insurance (EI) and maternity, parental and sickness benefits