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2nd hole at Richmond Cent

As you can see, the shortcut is 220 meters which is about 240 yards. So it is not too difficult to get on green with your driver.:)


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Everythng is possible:); here is a weird & wacky story:

Moses, Jesus, and an old man are playing golf.

Moses tees off first, the ball goes flying in the air
hits the water and sinks to the bottom. He walks up to
the water, parts his arms walks down and hits the ball.
The ball hits the green and goes into the hole.

Jesus tees off next. The ball goes flying in the air,
skims over the water and the green; but stops dead
right in front of the hole. He walks up to the ball and
taps it in.

The old man tees of last. The ball goes flying in the
air hits the water and begins to sink.. as its sinking
a bass swallows it, chokes and goes belly up. Once it
hits the top of the water a bird swoops down, picks it
up, and flies off. The bird drops the bass; the bass
hits the green, spits out the ball, and the ball goes
in the hole.

Jesus says, "Nice shot dad."
I can never make 200yards in still air ... :(

没在Richmond Centennial打过,看了一下Scorecard and Satellite可能是后9水障碍多些另外有一个210Y的Par3和一个410Y的par4不太好处理。我觉得只要别太贪心,把握不大就选小点的杆分杆攻,应该问题不大。在Ottawa打了一些场,个人认为Eagle creek 最好,球场长度和果岭都很有挑战性Loch march 和The marshes也还不错。The marshes的第2洞Par5 615Y的右狗腿洞,右侧全部是水障碍,Green也不大,三杆上有很大难度。不知各位球友还有什么好场推荐。
Stonebridge和Emerade Link都不错。再远点的Calabogie Highland和Perth也挺好。不过考虑到经济因素和地理位置,我首选Meadows
1. Meadows
2. Chateau Cartier
3. Le Sorcier
4. Manderley
5. Pineview
谢谢。我也挺喜欢Meadows每星期至少去一次。有一次在North course hole6 两杆攻到旗前3码,手一抖将eagle推飞,印象深刻。如果打Blue Tee距离也不近。难点在于球道相对不够开阔,第一杆不宜发力猛攻,需要打控制球。这样留给进攻Green的距离较远。但是Green的速度太慢,平坦没有挑战性,曾经打过29推。球道的草不是太好。价格合理。你说的球场有的没去过,下次去试试。再次感谢。
Meadows north 第6洞是球场的signature hole.我在那洞最好的成绩是par,但一般都打爆:(
Le soucier在Quebec那边,是山地球场,power cart mandatory.
都是在国内赌球练的,一般打no touch(无论出现什么情况均不得移动球,没有罚杆抛球,一律罚杆原地重打。主要因为没有裁判出了争执无法解决)如果成绩高于90,即便赢了杆,负方也无需付钱。Meadows 最好成绩80。上星期打了两次,一次87,一次86。(no touch,不是球场规则)因为年纪大了(50好几了),腰伤总是恢复不好,现在Driver的距离越打越短,可能再也打不到7字头了。(欲哭无泪)所以各位球友,开球前一定要充分热身,一但腰伤麻烦就大了。今天早上打The marches,长的Par4,Par5真费劲,前9还能硬挺着(打了5个Par)后9就乱七八糟了,爆了4个洞,最后94。愤怒的差点投了河。
I played at the Richmond cent first time on Tuesday. I walked 5 hours and played 27 holes.

Comparing $18 for 27 holes I played after 4 pm, the Richmond cent is a very good course for me which I like to walk and learn to play.

Front 9 is quite open. I felt I played at the range and didn't have any pressure. I could still found my balls as I always slice ball to the right.

Back 9 is too narrow. My feeling was not good. I had to challenge myself to play straight. I could not find ball where it landed in a few holes. I tried to play smart. Unfortunately I am not and lost a few balls in the back 9.

In the first round at the second hole, I played the ball dead straight. The ball landed at the center of two ditches almost at the end. At the second round, I intently sliced ball to the right. The ball landed in the fairway right of the tree line.

Next time I will face to the green to see what result will have.
今天下午试了一下Stonebridge总的感觉不错,每个洞几乎都有水障碍。有难度,不太好打。Green 和Fairway都不错,沙坑也是很好。现在有的洞fairway的草成片死了,可能是最近雨下得太多。难点:Blue Tee 的总长度6044码,看似不长,但是需击球准确,否则打下水或长草就麻烦了。进了长草找都困难,就别想打出来了。Fairway不平坦,站位需注意,要适当调整瞄准线。成绩Blue Tee 球场规则,89。
好像你比较喜欢长的球场,记得Falcon ridge挺长,蓝T该有6700Y以上。
I played at the Richmond cent first time on Tuesday. I walked 5 hours and played 27 holes.

Comparing $18 for 27 holes I played after 4 pm, the Richmond cent is a very good course for me which I like to walk and learn to play.

Front 9 is quite open. I felt I played at the range and didn't have any pressure. I could still found my balls as I always slice ball to the right.

Back 9 is too narrow. My feeling was not good. I had to challenge myself to play straight. I could not find ball where it landed in a few holes. I tried to play smart. Unfortunately I am not and lost a few balls in the back 9.

In the first round at the second hole, I played the ball dead straight. The ball landed at the center of two ditches almost at the end. At the second round, I intently sliced ball to the right. The ball landed in the fairway right of the tree line.

Next time I will face to the green to see what result will have.
richmond cent的确很经济。不过后9洞的设置我觉得有点无理。