My holdings at today's close


I have been playing a lone wolf for quite some time and am feeling extremely lonely. Posting here is a way to let it out. I don't intend to recommend any stocks --- tips are for waiters, as the greatest Jesse Livermore said. Since posting last week, I think I will continue as I see fit. I have been both a buyer and seller today, and as such, I am the beneficiary owner of the followiong:

1) BAC: common shares and BYOHO (for trading around 2QER), VBAAF (for holding at least 1/2 to maturity). All free as I started this venture back in March 6
2) MGM: common shares (for trading) and YDMAC (for CC's expected grand opening at year's end). All new acquisitions --- missed the run from 2.3 to 14 in a matter of just two weeks
3) DVAX: common shares ( 1/2 for trading at the FDA's decision on HEPLISAV, 1/2 for the long haul for the rich pipeline). All free shares as I started trading this from December last year
4) ELN: common shares (for trading) and VBZAC (intend to hold until maturity, may add). These are today's new acquisitions following today's game-changing news after a long exile
5) BEAT: common shares bought yesterday and today for trading for a technical rebound (a 8% reduction in 2009 estimated revenues doesn't justify a 45% haircut, oversold)
6) FRPT: common shares bought yesterday and today for a technical rebound (not getting a contract award that was not publicly announced doesn't justify a 45% trimming in the PPS --- oversold; may hold a portion for the long haul)

Wish list:

1) DNDN: completely sold out and wish to build my holding again for the revised BLA submission and the expected FDA approval on Provenge; once Provenge is FDA-approved, I will hold DNDN to my grave as Nuevende and the rich pipeline bears fruits --- I have published in Seeking Alpha since 2007
2) NEP: closed my position today at the high and wish to establish it again
3) BDSI and UAUA: closed my positions last Tuesday. May re-establish them as I see fit.
4) The other wish list is too long to write at the moment, but I will update at my convenience

Trading around a core long-holding position is a time-honoured practice of my endeavours, save the two devastations I had endured that completely wiped out my brokerage account. The third time is a charm, as they say.

The 2QER season is upon the market. Wish all who read my posts make good money, long or short. Pretty confident that one of the major banks, be that JPM, BAC, WFC, GS, or MS, will pre-annouce within the next two weeks --- the quarter's great stock market run should provide some hint. Hope to laugh all my way to the bank.

Short-term options are a game for the strongly-convicted (pig-headed) and require an iron-willed stomach, not suitable for kiddy fun at the playground --- be cautioned again and agian! And be advised not to attempt them if you are not willing to lose all!

It is, after all, your money. You, and only you, can and should diligently guard that.